As I mentioned in the "Over Here" thread, I just watched both of these for the first time in about ten years. I only watched it once before, when I first got the DVD. I was VERY excited about this DVD, and I have to admit, I was rather disappointed when I watched it, and thus, never watched it again. My usual experience re-watching some of the B5 movies and some of the episodes that aren't my favorites (I hasten to add that my love for B5 overall overshadows everything
), is that they always seem much better than I remember them. That's not really the case here, though. I can see why I wasn't crazy about it. This is especially true for the first half ("Over Here"), which is just not my cup of tea (though, as I said in the other thread, I do like the idea of an anthology series a lot). This one is more up my alley, though it's far from my favorite thing in the B5 universe.
Pretty much the ONLY thing I remembered about it is the reference to Dr. Franklin going to explore beyond the rim with G'Kar, because that was painful, but a lovely thing to put in to remember those actors.
What I really like about it is once again the upgraded visuals. The exterior shots of the station and the battle scenes are nice to look at. I like seeing Sheridan again. I like that he's totally Sheridan, with the mannerisms and everything, except older and with a lot less patience for protocol/diplomacy/bullshit
I do not like how he deals with the reporter, though. It's like Alioth said upthread, there's no reason for him to feel so hostile towards reporters at this point in time. Unlike Alioth, though, I was not particularly amused by that interaction. It seemed kind of cruel and not that Sheridan-like. Also, the way he practices saying "it was an accident." It doesn't seem the most Sheridan thing to assassinate someone and then lie about it being an accident, good reason or not. And of course he ends up NOT doing that, so it does fit with the character in the end, I suppose.
A minor question I have: Prince Vintari says he is third in line for the throne, and Vir is second in line. Who is first in line??