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Recent content by vacantlook

  1. vacantlook

    Babylon 5 The Gathering Turned 30

    I'm starting to feel like Kosh: I have always been here.
  2. vacantlook

    A quick question about souls

    I don't know if any of this would be applicable, but I'm thinking about the nature of light. One, light projected out into the universe will continue onward (unless it impacts something); so, with the right observational capacity, long after we are gone, one could theoretically go to a specific...
  3. vacantlook

    The Road Home review thread (contains spoilers)

    I think there is one of the alternate realities where Lyta is definitely still a P5; if I'm remembering correctly, in the scene where Lyta is trying to get Lennier to guess the cards, she says something about being P5 in her complaining. I don't get why she was doing that with Lennier and the...
  4. vacantlook

    The Road Home review thread (contains spoilers)

    When I first saw the two of them in that scene and saw how friendly they were toward each other, how aware of one another's abilities they were, I thought they were a version of the characters post-original show from when they had gone off together to travel the galaxy, and that somehow they...
  5. vacantlook

    The Road Home review thread (contains spoilers)

    I've finally watched it. I liked it, but I didn't love it. The shift in medium from live action to animation might have some part to do with it, but I do love animation as a medium, so it's not that I don't think it was a wrong approach or method. It left me wanting to see more of the inside of...
  6. vacantlook

    Official: Babylon 5 coming to Blu-ray in December

    Man, I would love it if they have both versions of The Gathering on this. I think I might still have the original version somewhere around this house on an old Columbia House VHS tape, but I have no way to watch VHS anymore even if I could find it. I know the special edition is preferred, but...
  7. vacantlook

    B5 Animated Movie

    I'm still not all that thrilled with multiverse/alternate reality stories, but there are some shots in this trailer that look really, really good.
  8. vacantlook

    B5 Animated Movie

    This was a bit of a let-down. I thought this post last night was him hinting at the trailer being released today at this specified time. Turns out this post was hint about a statement today that the trailer will be released tomorrow.
  9. vacantlook

    B5 Animated Movie

    These higher quality versions of the images look better than I was expecting. Like, I knew audience-level photos of a projection screen showing the images would lessen the quality of what we were seeing, but getting the source files, so to speak, makes me more intrigued to see the animation in...
  10. vacantlook

    Reaction videos

    medusa cascade posted her edited-for-YouTube video of her reaction to "Sleeping In Light" today. Lot's of crying, as expected, as many of us have similarly done.
  11. vacantlook

    The new B5TV.COM is here!

    On the main page, on the far right next to the bright orange "Post Thread" button is a bright blue "New Posts" button. Clicking on that will take you to a page that lists all the threads that have new posts for you. Clicking on the link to a thread in that list will take you into that thread and...
  12. vacantlook

    B5 Animated Movie

    According to the initial press article about the film, there is at least one Zathras, who'll be voiced by Paul Guyet, who is also voicing Jeffery Sinclair.
  13. vacantlook

    The new B5TV.COM is here!

    Time for my increasingly old-man brain to have to get used to something newfangled. :unsure: I appreciate that it retains the blue color scheme. So many websites as they've been updated over the years seem like they're now either harsh white or black for empty space on a page, so I like our...
  14. vacantlook

    B5 Animated Movie

    jms has posted a better quality/higher resolution version of the station image that was in the initial announcment article.
  15. vacantlook

    B5 Animated Movie

    We be typing at the same time, eh? :thumbsup: It's Babylon 5 from jms, so I'm happy about that; but, the description sounds very multiverse-ish, and I'm so exhausted by multiverse stories currently.