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  1. Oatley1

    S2, S3 *and* S4 in 2003?

    Hope S2 comes out real soon... <Now that Oatley has paid a token gesture to the thread heading, he now moves on to the real topic> I've been told that Americans do not use 'fortnight' when talking about a 2 week period - is this true?
  2. Oatley1

    Region 4 DVD's

    Re: Region 4 DVD\'s That's really strange, because the R4 releases are generally taken from the R1 - that was certainly the case with 'The Gathering/In The Beginning'
  3. Oatley1

    someone who likes b5

    My wife just loves that show... Arrarragh!!!!! She goes on about it, like "It could be true", or "Just because it goes against your beliefs", blah, blah, blah... And I go "It's a stupid TV show! It's there to entertain (supposedly). Of course they are all going to say 'Wow' and look...
  4. Oatley1

    Region 4 DVD's

    Re: Region 4 DVD\'s Where did you get your R4 discs from? I won't be getting mine till Monday!!!
  5. Oatley1

    someone who likes b5

    So far, I've gotten three of my friends into it - I'm working on a fourth, who is a Star Wars nut, but he is proving very resistant!
  6. Oatley1

    And the sky full of stars

    Pork rules - healthy and lean!!! And I have TV characters who will back up what I say! HOMER: "Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute. Lisa honey, are you saying you're 'never' going to eat any animal again? What about bacon?" LISA: "No." HOMER: "Ham?" LISA: "No." HOMER: "Pork chops?"...
  7. Oatley1

    Bush not so dumb after all? <g>

    Given their love of the show, do any of them post here? Holy cow, maybe I've been rubbishing Bush Jnr and not even know it! <Oatley looks out his window> That's interesting, I've never seen that black car outside my house before...
  8. Oatley1

    And the sky full of stars

    That was also my impression - that she was neither fully Human or Mimbari, but a hybrid of the two species. This leads me to another question - how did the triluminary transform her into a hybrid? Did it activate her human genes that she got from her descent from Valen/Sinclair, or was it...
  9. Oatley1

    The Gathering

    Falling Towards Apotheosis (Season 4)
  10. Oatley1

    The Gathering

    And given the secrecy in which the Vorlons have always shrouded themselves, HOW would the Mimbari assassin have gotten a poison that would affect a Vorlon?
  11. Oatley1

    What are your favoirte B5/crusade quotes?

    Another of my favourites: As I look at you, Ambassador Mollari, I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. The hand is your hand. And I hear sounds - the sounds of billions of people calling your name." "My followers?" "Your victims." Elric to Londo
  12. Oatley1

    JMS blooper on commentary for Chrysalis

    "Well, it's one louder, isn't it?"
  13. Oatley1

    JMS blooper on commentary for Chrysalis

    I was going to mention that discs get inserted into drives (some of which are floppy), but I think Joe will pounce on this thread...
  14. Oatley1

    JMS blooper on commentary for Chrysalis

    Region 4 - Monday, 4th December... I've been hanging out in the NC-17 forum way too long - I'm seeing too much into that line...
  15. Oatley1

    JMS blooper on commentary for Chrysalis

    I wish I could inform everyone about the B5 region 4 release, and whether the discs are scratched, and how easily the discs come out, but I still have to wait another week!!!! Arragh!!!
  16. Oatley1

    What are your favoirte B5/crusade quotes?

    My personal favourite? The following from 'Voices Of Authority': MARCUS: "I'll put a bucket on my head and pretend to be the ancient Vorlon god Booji." IVANOVA: "That's it!" MARCUS: "Fine, I'll get a bucket."
  17. Oatley1

    JMS blooper on commentary for Chrysalis

    I was going to ask whether that was your exam marking/failing pen, but then I realised it would be red...
  18. Oatley1

    The V(orlon)-Files

    It was probably information that wouldn't have any bearing on the approaching Shadow War. Stuff like: "The Vorlons are xxxxx xxx xxxxxx x xxxxxxxxx xx x xx xxx and a very old race. They xxxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx, and xxx xxxxxxx for xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx x xxx, and do not allow other...
  19. Oatley1

    JMS as a "overgrown gnome"?

    Re: JMS as a \"overgrown gnome\"? And there I was, wondering where my garden gnome had gotten to...
  20. Oatley1

    Getting others hooked

    If you can only manage 2 episodes, then go for 'Midnight' followed by 'Mind War' - the first is a reasonably good intro, the second is the first outstanding episode of S1. 'Soul Hunter', 'Infection' and 'Born to the Purple', are OK, but won't hit newcomers straight between the eyes (plus being...