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  1. Oatley1

    EpDis: Convictions

    Average, from my perspective. The Londo / G'Kar stuff is great, but as a whole it is merely good, not great. It certainly suffers from being in the same season as 'Passing Through Gethesemane', 'Dust To Dust', 'Severed Dreams' etc.
  2. Oatley1

    New Serenity Trailer...

    Saw the first ad on TV in Australia showed a couple of nights ago... looking good!
  3. Oatley1

    Serenity Sequel(s)

    I think that's now pretty much the standard Hollywood approach to any new movie project, the accountants would have planned to milk the project for as much money as they could reasonably get, including the obligatory sequel(s). Not that I'm complaining if we get more Serenity/Firefly movies!
  4. Oatley1

    What's wrong with this picture? (SA&B)

    Re: What\'s wrong with this picture? (SA&B) More power to him! What the world needs is more anarchy (of the good sort, of course!)
  5. Oatley1

    EpDis: Matters Of Honor

    Reasonable - a nice way to start off the new season - the best Season of the lot in my opinion.
  6. Oatley1

    Damn you JMS!

    Must have, must have, MUST HAVE!!!!! The whole of the original Sinclair arc? YES!!!! Then I can finally see if my guesses about the story in its original form are close to the mark!
  7. Oatley1

    What books are we reading now?

    Hi Joe, Glad to see your enjoying Holland's excellent book - after a period of 10 years where I hadn't even picked up a Roman history book, this was an excellent reintroduction back into the world of Rome, and fired my enthusiasm so that I got to tackle the Masters of Rome series. Of course...
  8. Oatley1

    What's wrong with this picture? (SA&B)

    Re: What\'s wrong with this picture? (SA&B) Conclusion No. 5: Someone had way too much time on their hands!
  9. Oatley1

    What's wrong with this picture? (SA&B)

    Re: What\'s wrong with this picture? (SA&B) :lol: That damn space station does get around, doesn't it? Space Above and Babylon Beyond - The Missing Years...
  10. Oatley1

    Revisiting original Trek

    I must admit that I have a soft spot for 'The Conscience of the King' - any reference to Hamlet is always welcome, and that particular line is my favourite from the whole play. It's amazing what you tend to notice now about these episodes now that they are nearly 40 years old. Like 'Court...
  11. Oatley1

    HBO's Rome

    Re: HBO\'s Rome Ah, yes... good old Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator! (which translates as Ptolemy XIII, God, Beloved of his Father). Gotta love the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt - wicked, deceitful and inbred to the point of imbicility...
  12. Oatley1

    HBO's Rome

    Re: HBO\'s Rome It really all depends on where they intend to finish the story - if it ends with the assassination of Caesar, then you will get Caesar and Cleopatra, but not Antony and Cleopatra. In terms of timeline, Caesar's fateful meeting with Cleopatra occurs.... SPOILERS!!!!!! :D...
  13. Oatley1

    What books are we reading now?

    OK, OK, I can take a hint! If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that you were getting a commission on the side! Once I finish the Masters Of Rome series, I'll get a discworld novel!
  14. Oatley1

    What books are we reading now?

    Well, I'm glad it's not just me who thought 'The Da Vinci Code' sucked big time! Boy did that book ever irritate the hell out of me! :mad:
  15. Oatley1

    HBO's Rome

    Re: HBO\'s Rome I know, I know... it's just the history nerd in me - I just can't help myself, and dammit! Everyone should be as excited about Roman history as I am!!! :D In all seriousness though, I am glad you mentioned that, as when my book finally comes out, it does exactly that - ie, it...
  16. Oatley1

    HBO's Rome

    Re: HBO\'s Rome Typical... :rolleyes: Joe, you should know better than to hold out hope for historical accuracy when it comes to a televised mini-series or movie! Didn't the Governor's imperium cease the moment he left his province? Caesar was the governor, not just a general returning to...
  17. Oatley1

    EpDis: The Fall Of Night

    At the time, the fire-fight outside the Station had me gob-smacked. I had never seen anything like it on TV Sci-Fi before. Of course, by the time Severed Dreams rolled out, it was a baby in comparison. And the impending doom glimpsed in the shape of a Shadow ship - just fantastic!
  18. Oatley1

    Revisiting original Trek

    That accounts for my major disappointment with Year Of Hell - when it was first mentioned in that Kes story, I was hoping that we would get a season-long story thread, showing the major events for that year, and the continual breakdown of Voyager, with perhaps one ot two deaths. In other words...
  19. Oatley1

    Oatley sees Rick Wakeman live

    Hey old Mighty, For a man who has says he has given up his prog addiction, you seem to be very well informed! Hmmm... ;) Wakeman did rejoin Yes after the Magnification album and tour in 2002, having seen them in Sydney in Sept 2004 with Rick in tow. To my knowledge, he is still with the...
  20. Oatley1

    Oatley sees Rick Wakeman live

    :) Yes, and I gotta say I was feeling very "fragile" after it! :D