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  1. Oatley1


    Hi Matthew - welcome to the nuthouse! Glad you decided to join the fun. Yes, the conclusion to the Shadow War - at the time, it certainly did stir up a hornet's nest, and many of the fans felt it was a very unclimactic way to resolve the whole arc. I don't think it was ever the intention to...
  2. Oatley1

    What books are we reading now?

    I thought it might be a good idea to see what books people around here are reading at the moment, maybe we might get a good review which might inspire people to get a particularly good read. Firstly me - at the moment I am plowing through Colleen McCullough's 'Masters Of Rome' series. Six books...
  3. Oatley1

    Lost Season 1 (no spoilers of Season 2 please)

    Re: Lost (no spoilers please) Patience, patience... you'll find out next episode!!! :p As the season progresses, Locke's sad history plays a major part in how he perceives the Island, and the actions he undertakes as a consequence. Yep, the best is yet to come... :D
  4. Oatley1


    Re: Missing Dr Who? Hyp, K-9 and Company was a proposed spinoff of adventures featuring Elisabeth Sladen as 'Sarah Jane Smith' and K-9. A pilot episode was made in 1981, and to put it mildly, it absolutely stank. Lousy casting, a lousy story, and a harbringer of the crap that producer John...
  5. Oatley1


    Re: Missing Dr Who? No! No!!! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Not the return of K-9.... arrragghhhhh.... (Oatley runs from the room, screaming)..... The last time we had those two together, we had that monstrosity called "K9 and Company", and I promised myself no! Never again! :mad:
  6. Oatley1

    Are the Shadows Super Daters?

    I just had a bizzare thought - could you imagine Pete Townshend confronting a Vorlon - he'd probably smack his encounter-suited butt with his guitar! And given that he wrote 'Who Are You' as a result of a drunken confrontation with London policeman, that's not such a crazy notion... VORLON...
  7. Oatley1

    EpDis: The Long, Twilight Struggle

    Ah, yes - The Long, Twilight Struggle. After 'The Coming Of Shadows', my second favourite Season 2 episode. It's the sense of helpless foreboding that surrounds this episode that really makes it for me - you just know it's going to end badly. The Shadows really begin to come to the fore...
  8. Oatley1

    EpDis: Divided Loyalties

    I actually like the Liar scene, it makes me smile each time I see it. I also enjoy Pat in B5, though I must admit that my perspective is distorted by the fact that I consider her very attractive, and makes me more sympathetic to her performance! There were a lot worse examples of JMSs humor in...
  9. Oatley1


    Re: Missing Dr Who? As a pubescent male at the time, I certainly had no complaints about the looks of the Doctor's companions! Yeah, baby!
  10. Oatley1

    Lost Season 1 (no spoilers of Season 2 please)

    Re: Lost (no spoilers please) I think this is one of those shows you will need to see again on DVD, as those little clues sometimes flash by too quickly to be fully absorbed or recognised - numbers, people, comics, etc. Since this is a spolier free zone, I won't go into too much detail, but...
  11. Oatley1

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) Saw it at the premiere midnight session, and I gotta say I was pleasantly suprised. SPOLIERS FOLLOW (Obviously) The good points: -Hayden Christensen gives his best performance to date - still a bit wooden occasionally, but finally rises to the...
  12. Oatley1

    Star Wars III: The Official Hype, Bitch Thread

    Re: Star Wars III: The Official Hype, Bitch Threa More hype... The Daily Telegraph newspaper (here in Sydney, Oz) has been coming with Star Wars pins - a different character each day, for the princely sum of $2 each. Of course the first pin came free with the paper, and so my daughter saw...
  13. Oatley1

    R4 S5 DVDs *sigh*

    Hi Raia, I've not heard anything about R4 replacement discs. When I rang to speak to some company drone a couple of months ago, they told me that this was unlikely to be fixed. However, that was before I saw that WHV in the UK were sending out R2 replacement discs. So I have written to Warner...
  14. Oatley1

    Kingdom of Heaven

    From what I understand, this is the long delayed in development hell project that Mr California Governor had been trying for 10 years to get made. He came close in the middle of 2001, and then came the 9/11 attacks, which put the project on hold due to the content of the film. The last I had...
  15. Oatley1

    Star Wars Episode III trailer on "The O.C."

    Re: Star Wars Episode III trailer on \"The O.C.\" I've just seen the trailer, and I'm like... eh... It doesn't really grab me, probably becuase I have become so put off by Episodes 1 and 2. And listening to the miniscule amounts of dialogue don't fill me with confidence, especially Hayden's...
  16. Oatley1

    Region 2 (and 4) screwed again!

    Yeah, the R4 box set has all five movies - but only has commentary for 'Thirdspace', 'River' and 'Call'. :mad: I gather that R2 is the same.
  17. Oatley1

    Hands up who loves Carnivàle [now with spoilers]

    Re: Hands up who loves Carnivàle It (along with Lost) are my favourite series at the moment. It is so out there (and damn confusing), it is addictive. I have only gotten through Season 1, so I am waiting with baited breath for Season 2.
  18. Oatley1

    Region 2 (and 4) screwed again!

    They've done it to us AGAIN!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I have just picked up the Region 4 copy of the Movies Box Set and guess what? There are only commentaries for 'Thirdspace', 'River Of Souls' and 'Call To Arms'! I have just checked Amazon.co.uk and it looks (from the blurb) like that it is the...
  19. Oatley1

    R2 B5 Releases

    The R1 version is complete. The R4 version has the same problem as R2. It's anybody's guess about R3, R5 and R6... :confused:
  20. Oatley1

    Problem with Season 5 Region 4 Discs

    Well, the news about Region 2 has killed my hopes of getting it from there (usually when I get other region DVDs, I try to get Region 2, for the PAL compatability). If Amazon.co.uk are releasing a 'fixed' version, I'll probably look to replace mine with that one. Otherwise, we'll just have to...