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Search results

  1. Oatley1

    Problem with Season 5 Region 4 Discs

    I have just spoken to Warner Home Video (Australasia)... You wouldn't believe it - apparently, the master they used for the Region 4 DVD had three minutes missing from the beginning of 'Fall...'. EVERY SINGLE REGION 4 DVD SEASON 5 BOX SET HAS THIS DEFECT!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: And to...
  2. Oatley1

    Problem with Season 5 Region 4 Discs

    IT'S CONFIRMED! I have just been to the shop, and they've just tried the 5 discs they had in stock. They all had 'Fall Of Centauri Prime' beginning with the opening credits, with Kosh intoning 'And so it begins'... I'm about to get onto Warner Home Video, and draw their attention to this. I am...
  3. Oatley1

    Problem with Season 5 Region 4 Discs

    I'm hoping (but not holding my breath) that it is a problem with my disc only. I am taking it back to the shop I purchased it from today, and getting a replacement set. But the disc is fine - I had a peek at the mpeg/vbo files on my PC, and it runs straight from the end of 'Movements of fire and...
  4. Oatley1

    Problem with Season 5 Region 4 Discs

    As Ranger Marcus would say: Bastards!!!!! Has anyone else had a problem with their B5 Season 5 discs? Specifically Disc 5, Episode: The Fall of Centauri Prime. The problem? The episode starts 3 minutes in, at the title credits! It misses the "Previously on Babylon 5" recap, and the...
  5. Oatley1

    Unethical decision on Cruzade DVD

    Damn stupid. It reminds me of the Simpsons episode (Itchy, Scratcy and Poochy), where Poochy is about to be written out of the cartoon, Homer goes nuts and adlibs some dialog. It looks like they are going to use what Homer had recorded, but then when the cartoon was broadcast, they overdubed...
  6. Oatley1

    Crappy Message Boards on the starwars.com

    I had heard of the two Ewok movies, but have never seen them, thankfully. I will say one thing about the picture of that creature that Sinclair posted - if Return of the Jedi had creatures like that ripping and shreading the Stormtroopers, instead of the damn Ewoks, it would have made an...
  7. Oatley1

    Speculation: What would JMS Star Trek be like?

    Hey, GKE... I assume you mean annals, not anals... unless you're thinking of a Star Trek series that really has gone where no-one has gone before... :D
  8. Oatley1

    various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26 AM

    Re: various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26 Centauri Emperor: "How will this all end?" Kosh: "In silliness". PICKINESS ALERT!!!! Actually, they were pan-dimensional beings who happened to look like mice in our dimension... I mean, mice building Deep Thought and then planning and...
  9. Oatley1

    various from jms - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:26 AM

    :lol: :lol: :lol: That's brilliant, Joe! Now if you could just translate it into the original French/Latin/Gibberish, if you wouldn't mind... :p
  10. Oatley1

    The Title - again

    I like The Memory of Shadows... it has a nice ring to it. Though if I was going to come up with one, it would have to be 'The Measurements of Sheridan' LACKY: "Mr President, your suit is ready!" SHERIDAN: "About time, I'm starting to get cold... what the hell?" LACKY: "What is it sir?"...
  11. Oatley1

    B5 makes it into an encyclopedia

    I was searching the Wikipedia open content encycopedia for some stuff for a report I am writing, when I stumbled on this entry... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylon_5 Who would have thought B5 would have an entry in an encyclopedia...
  12. Oatley1

    Alexander Trailer

    My understanding was that Alexander was bi-sexual, same as Julius Caesar. Whether his love-life has any place in a 'historical' movie, well anything that shows the man (as opposed to the legend) is invaluable in understanding who he was. Include his loves, passions and hates, and he becomes a...
  13. Oatley1

    "Today we lost Richard Biggs"

    Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\" That is just so sad. I had just finished watching S4 'Racing Mars', and just enjoying his performance. Then to hear this... It has left me a little shell-shocked. May the soul of this dearly departed, Through the mercy of God, Rest in peace.
  14. Oatley1

    There is no God...

    Love Beach! :lol: :lol: :lol: Mike Portnoy has got a lot to answer for... I was thinking more that he would put together a double album: The Babe Lies Down On Venice Beach , all about an ageing lifeguard who comes out of the change room, only to go on a number of weird adventures, involving...
  15. Oatley1

    There is no God...

    GKE, It could be infinitely worse - he could reinvent himself as a Prog Rocker... "And here is David Hasselhoff, with his newest recording, the 25 minute 'Life On The Beach'! All you hip and happening people had better watch out for his really adventurous section in 3/4 time - wow!" :D
  16. Oatley1

    The music of Christopher Franke

    Given how much we love Christopher Franke's music for B5, I wonder how many people here have gone out and listened to his work in Tangerine Dream, and what they think of it? I must admit that I haven't, so I am curious if anyone else has.
  17. Oatley1

    Just how similar are DS9 and B5?

    Well... there is some debate about how 'planned' the DS9 story arcs actually were... From the moment Kosh stepped on B5 in The Gathering, JMS knew they were always going to cross the Rim after the Shadow War... When Sisko arived on DS9, the Dominion War was not even remotely conceived by...
  18. Oatley1

    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ GKE, Yeah, I can see your point, but I think the worst it can do is reinforce existing stereotypes - it's not like there are loads of Iranians at the moment who like the State of Israel... and this film won't influence any minds already made up one way or the...
  19. Oatley1

    King Arthur

    The new Arthur movie will need to be very good if it's going to out-do Boorman's 'Excalibur' - now that is what I call an Arthurian epic. It's interesting to note that Boorman began that film by working on an aborted Lord Of The Rings, which over time mutated into the Arthur movie... or so I've...
  20. Oatley1

    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ The only people that this movie will incite into anti-Semetic acts are anti-Semetics. As such, these people don't require this movie to inspire their loathing and hatred - it's already there. Your argument would make sense if there were people sitting on the...