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  1. Oatley1

    A new JMS message and hint 4/29

    This is fantastic... I was just thinking that now that the LOTR movies were over, I had nothing to look forward to. Now I can look forward to counting down the time towards the next big event!!! B5 on the big screen? - YEAH BABY!!!!
  2. Oatley1

    DVD Actor Commentaries

    The Season 2 & 3 actor commentaries were OK, but I got to say I was seriously annoyed with the commentary on Falling Towards Apotheosis... there was nothing there at all which interested me. OK, a little fun amoung the actors is fine, but the full 42 minutes??? I got bored half-way through...
  3. Oatley1

    Brilliant book on Islam

    Well, in my defense, she does host her own gay and lesbian TV show in Canada... And yeah, Islam is very intolerant of gays and lesbians. Reading some of the quite disgusting emails she receives from people, and you wonder how she keeps on light heartedly writing them off, let alone how she can...
  4. Oatley1

    End of ST:TNG

    I suspect the Rules of Aquisition are the only funny Ferengi bits. I swear, if I saw another Moogie and Grand Negus Zek episode, I would have gotten a chair and smashed the TV set with it. Quark was great, but only in his interaction with the other main characters on the station. Anytime his...
  5. Oatley1

    Brilliant book on Islam

    I have just finished this book "The Trouble with Islam: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith" by Irshad Manji, and I must say that it is brilliant. A gay Moslem activist, living in Canada, of Pakistani origin, via Southern Africa. Witty and insightful, it speaks of her coming to terms with...
  6. Oatley1

    End of ST:TNG

    While there were some good things in DS9, I don't know if I would want to see a feature film version. And I must admit, a lot of it annoyed the hell out of me - the Kira/Odo love affair, Dax and Worf, all of the Ferengi outings, and that final episode - bah! The only good things were the...
  7. Oatley1

    Family Guy returns to life!

    That is really great news! It has just made my day. "Oh my God, I've just killed William Shatner!" :D
  8. Oatley1

    Does anyone still buy video?

    I still by VHS videos, but only for my kids - The Wiggles, Teletubbies, etc. The only other one I was tempted to buy in the last year or so was B5:LotR, and only because I have no idea when it will come out on DVD on Region 4.
  9. Oatley1

    Blakes 7 on DVD

    I got in the post yesterday the Region 2 first season of Blakes 7, the best British telefantasy ever made. I have been hanging out for this for ages, to replace my ageing VHS tapes that I bought over 10 years ago. I watched the first episode last night, and it just reminded me why I liked this...
  10. Oatley1

    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was comi The same goes for the flip-side of this question - it is not sufficient to say they made it up without asking "why would they make it up?" What would the followers of Jesus have gained by making up the Resurrection, apart from vilification...
  11. Oatley1

    JMS - Non-update update

    Re: Game legality Shame on you people! Arguing over the pronunciation of Celtic, without consulting the master of languages and pronunciation... JRR himself! As quoted from Appendix E from Lord Of The Rings... C - has always the value of K even before e and i. Therefore, Keltic! :D
  12. Oatley1

    Troy - Trailers

    Definitely seeing it! I have always been fascinated with the Troy legend, and am looking forward to seeing it fully brought to life. I can deal with the CGI enhancements just to see it brought to life. And there are two Alexander movies - Oliver Stone's and Baz Lurhmann's. I suppose it boils...
  13. Oatley1

    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was comi More about historical accuracy... KoshFan is correct when he states that aside from the Gospels and the letters of St Paul, the only other sort-of contemporary evidence is the mention by Josehpus in his account of the Jewish-Roman War of 70AD...
  14. Oatley1

    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was comi Re: Christ being portrayed as a white, rather than olive skinned... You know, there are a good number of blond haired, blue eyed Lebanese around, so it is not completely unheard of in the Middle East (though my suspicion of those is that you...
  15. Oatley1

    JMS - Non-update update

    Joe DM, here is something you could maybe answer for me. When titles for the first and second new Star Wars films were being considered, I had heard that people were able to find out what they might be, because certain titles were trademarked, or targeted (bought?), so that no-one could use...
  16. Oatley1

    Enterprise.. enough (SPOILERS for last few US eps)

    Re: Enterprise... enough (SPOILERS for last few eps) I got halfway through Season 1, and never watched it again. And from all that I've heard, it's not a decision I regret making. How the mighty have fallen.
  17. Oatley1

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Check out my signature! Or how about this? Drazi: Hello, I wish to register a complaint . . . Hello? Miss? Sheridan: What do you mean, miss? Drazi: Oh, I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint. Sheridan: Sorry, Babylon 5 is closing for lunch...
  18. Oatley1

    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ I am going to see it very soon, so I'll hold off my comments until then. But, from what I have heard from a friend who has seen it, the film makes it very clear that the immediate cause of the suffering inflicted upon Jesus are the Romans. Pilate is depicted as a...
  19. Oatley1

    Star Wars IV, V & VI DVDs

    The one rumour I have heard about this is that the Episode IV fight between Darth & Obi-Wan will be "enhanced", which to my mind is not a bad thing, as per Shism's comments.
  20. Oatley1

    Antony's PAL obsessions

    Re: Antony\'s PAL obsessions When I first saw the title of this thread, it sort of threw me, because PAL is a brand of dog food here, and I'm thinking 'Antony's obsessing about dog food - this place is just getting plain weird'. How does the reverse (PAL ---> NTSC) affect shows like Doctor Who...