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  1. Oatley1

    Let's cast a B5 movie

    Re: Let\'s cast a B5 movie :lol: :lol: :lol: Go for it Joe! Take it over the line!!! (Crowd holds its breath, waiting to see what Joe will do) :D Now, how about a Monty Python B5 movie... "No, let's not go to Z'Ha'Dum. It is a silly place." :cool:
  2. Oatley1

    Why are people complaining about Rotk ending??

    Amen to that - I tell you, those English will come up with any excuse for a civil war... :p How many have they had anyway? 4, I think... Anyway, re: Henry VII, yes Joe is correct when he says that his claim to the throne is through right of conquest, post-Bosworth Field. BUT - the nobles...
  3. Oatley1

    Why are people complaining about Rotk ending??

    From what I can remember reading about it, whilst George and his descendents were banned from ascending the throne, it wasn't an issue, as Henry VII (or his father) had married one of Edward IV's daughters? grand-daughters? He himself claimed descent from John of Gaunt, and thus was of the...
  4. Oatley1

    Let's cast a B5 movie

    Re: Let\'s cast a B5 movie :lol: :lol: :lol: Bwaahhaaa (Oatley gives the evil laugh, and twirls his moustache, as he walks off...)
  5. Oatley1

    Why are people complaining about Rotk ending??

    Joe, I presume what you mean by that is that in France a male heir could succeed through the female line if the male line died out? Because Salic law did not allow women to become queens in their own right - thus no ruling Queens in France. BTW, did you hear about the latest piece of research...
  6. Oatley1

    Let's cast a B5 movie

    Re: Let\'s cast a B5 movie Kevin Costner as Sheridan Bruce Willis as Garabaldi Meg Ryan as Delenn Russell Crowe as G'Kar Colin Firth as Londo Jessica Alba as Ivanova AND The Baldwin Brothers as Zathras and his kin
  7. Oatley1

    What season one episdoes are essential?

    Martin Sheen had to work through a hell of a lot of exposition. Plus the story wasn't the best that JMS has come up with. W. Morgan Sheperd had better dialogue, and a much better story to work with.
  8. Oatley1

    Why are people complaining about Rotk ending??

    Re: reading the books before watching the films. I deliberately avoided the books during the past few years after I heard the LOTR was being made, so that I would not be potentially disappointed with what was made, and what was left out. And I think that I made the right choice. I am planning...
  9. Oatley1

    Shelob ROCKS! (spoilers for ROTK)

    What I should have said is "the little touches that Jackson includes", because as Nukemall points out, it is in the book. Still great to see though.
  10. Oatley1

    Shelob ROCKS! (spoilers for ROTK)

    I have just seen the movie, and must agree with everyone - this is one of the best movies ever made. Just amazing. The experience just left me drained. My favourite part - the charge of the Rohirrim - simply beautiful and so uplifting. I also agree with the others that scenes with Denethor and...
  11. Oatley1

    Well, if the Pope likes it...

    I for one have never seen the big deal in the portrayal of how Jesus is captured and put to death - so he pissed off some of the Jewish leaders, and they handed him over to the Romans for death. Like that's never happened before... :rolleyes: And the gospels are quite clear that it wasn't the...
  12. Oatley1

    Things NOT to do when watching Lord of the Rings

    How about when leaving the cinema, exclaiming loudly to your friend: "Well, who would have guessed Gollum was Frodo's father!!!" FRODO: "You killed my father!" GOLLUM: "No, my precious... I AM your father!" FRODO: "Nooooooo!!!" :D
  13. Oatley1

    Remarks on Passing through Gethsemene

    Hey, hey, HEY!!! :mad: I'm gone for a few days, and all of a sudden it's 'Have a go at Australia' day. Us convict types are very sensitive about these things - I mean, just because we go around stealing bread and rum, doesn't mean we are bad people! :D Now if you'll excuse me, I'll just go...
  14. Oatley1

    Remarks on Passing through Gethsemene

    I suspect that for most people (myself included) the answer would vary if you knew the victim. From a distant perspective you would want to have the criminal repay their debt to society. However, if you were the family of the victim, I would certainly want vengeance as well as justice. In the...
  15. Oatley1


    No, the 'defensive capabilities' of the Great Machine were never used during the 5 years of B5. Post Season 3 it did some minor work in Season 4, during the fight with Earth (via the Voice of the Resistence), but that was about it. But the purpose of the Great Machine was really only to throw...
  16. Oatley1

    Coming Attractions!

    The preliminaries do take forever to get through before the movie starts. What we did to make it bearable was to loudly mock each of the really crappy ads for a laugh. I must admit that I have not been able to get early to a movie session in the last 10 years due to my partner, who is not able...
  17. Oatley1

    Big B5 update from jms!!!

    I didn't know they had ducks beyond the Rim! :p And I can just see the tagline now... "He's defeated the Ancient Enemy... and formed the Grey Council... now watch as he faces his greatest fear... and greatest challenge... as a duck rancher!" <SNIP TO CLIP FROM SHOW> VORLON: "Entil'za, Valen...
  18. Oatley1

    Big B5 update from jms!!!

    How about this one: The previous Shadow War with Valen and Zathras!!! That would be amazing!!!!! :)
  19. Oatley1

    Best episode to convert newbies

    I would go for the one that grabbed me - Dust To Dust. I was at a Sci-Fi Convention, and someone played this episode... and it just blew me away. The tension, the acting, and the atmosphere just grabbed me and would not let go. And the final line - 'and some must be sacrificed so that all may be...
  20. Oatley1

    Family Guy saved? Finally?

    I have only one thing to say - "Oh my God, I've killed William Shatner!" :lol: