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  1. Oatley1

    DVDs make me angry

    My how the mighty have fallen, Antony - going from the owner of this site to just a poster of a thread! ;) You need to get out more often, instill some fear into the people around here - get some R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!! :D
  2. Oatley1

    The Two Towers - Extended Edition (spoilers)

    Hey, hey, hey! I have just sat through the Extended Version of The Two Towers (all 3 hours and 45 minutes), and all I can say is WOW! Many more scenes have been added or extended (as per the first movie), and the additons are seamless. Like the first EE, it improves the movie a great deal...
  3. Oatley1

    DVDs make me angry

    I must admit that I find Region 4 DVDs to be priced fairly reasonably, but for the majority, I save heaps if I get the Region 2 version (and I'm refering to Boxed Sets here). Yet if I get Region 1, I'm paying a lot more (it's that damned exchange rate). So B5, Family Guy, Futurama, I have...
  4. Oatley1

    Indy Jones DVD set

    Fantastic set! The three documentaries for each of the movies on Disc 4 are brilliant! (and I am assuming that my Region 4 has the same stuff as Region 1).
  5. Oatley1

    Greetings from a Newbie

    Good to welcome someone else from the Southern Hemisphere! :)
  6. Oatley1

    Matrix Revolutions

    That's good to know about Revolutions. Makes me even keener to see it. I admit I liked Reloaded a lot - the philosophical subtext was quite interesting, even if the dialogue was couched in terms that made it difficult to follow.
  7. Oatley1

    HDTV by 2007?

    FYI, Australia is also going the HDTV route by about 2007 / 2008. We already have digital converters for sale to convert digitial signals for analogue TVs (our networks are transmitting both signals until analogue is phased out).
  8. Oatley1

    Music: Live , or Studio?

    I was very skeptical, which is why I listened to some of the tracks as MP3 before taking the plunge to buy. And it has Mike Portnoy on all the drum tracks, so that's half of Transatlantic right there! The other band who I always find to have (or had) interesting live shows was Led Zeppelin - no...
  9. Oatley1

    Different characters saying the same thing...

    How about everyone's obsession with the word 'hell'... SHERIDAN: "I blew it straight to hell" GARABALDI: "Everything's going to hell" KEFFLER: "It looked like it came straight from hell" And many, many others...
  10. Oatley1

    Matrix Revolutions

    What was it that annoyed you the most about it - was the the pseudo-philosophical dialogue that stopped the movie? I know that it bugged my friend who went to see it with me.
  11. Oatley1

    Matrix Revolutions

    Is anyone hanging out to see the third Matrix flick next week, or has Reloaded squashed everyone's enthusiasm? I must admit to waiting with baited breath, but I wasn't put off by Reloaded. Though I must admit that you need to see Reloaded at least twice to start to really 'get it'.
  12. Oatley1

    Music: Live , or Studio?

    I know what you mean, the sound for Vapour Trails is way off. With the live vs. studio debate, for me it's mostly academic - progressive rock bands tend to play the songs almost note for note in a live setting, and so I would rather have the studio recordings. The only exception to this rule...
  13. Oatley1

    Music: Live , or Studio?

    Yeah, I'll be picking it up as soon as my local retailer gets it in. The set list looks awesome. I don't have a very advanced stereo set-up for my DVD, so I might not notice the sound issues as much as others with better equipment. I am looking forward to it (though I must admit to not really...
  14. Oatley1

    War Without End questions

    I agree with an earlier poster - it was done to match up the dialogue from Babylon Squared. Originally Sinclair going back to be Valen was supposed to happen Season 5, episode 22. That's why he was older, and he says "It all happened... exactly as I remembered it". In the new context of Season...
  15. Oatley1

    Music: Live , or Studio?

    Hey, GKE I was thinking about picking up the DVD, but I've read that the mixing is terrible. Can you confirm this?
  16. Oatley1

    matrix reloaded spoilers

    Was I the only person who actually liked Matrix Reloaded? The action scenes were astonishing and stylish, and it had a reasonably good plot underpinning it. I think most people got put off by the verbose philosophising that the movie indulged in. I agree that the wording of these scenes was...
  17. Oatley1

    Bend it like Beckham (possible spoilers)

    That can't be right! Where is Italy? They have got to be ranked higher than Turkey for goodness sakes! I liked the film a lot, with its clash of cultures. Some very funny scenes.
  18. Oatley1

    To Dream in the City of Sorrows...

    I have never done this with books, but in the old days of LPs, that's exactly what I used to do, without even listening to the music first. Sometimes it worked (like when I picked up a copy of 'A Farewell To Kings' by Rush), and others it didn't (like 'Spirit of the Age' by Hawkwind). You...
  19. Oatley1

    It really is that bad

    Goldmember ain't bad - not as good as the previous 2, but there are still some great scenes. If you can, get the DVD - the Mike Myers commentary is brilliant !!!
  20. Oatley1

    It really is that bad

    Generally I avoid sequels - they are generally crap (Godfather, Star Wars Ep 5, and Austin Powers are notable exceptions). Another movie I will not watch is the Mariah Carey movie, Glitter (Glimmer? I forget which).