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Search results

  1. Oatley1

    Deep Space Nine

    Even in a quasi-utopian society like the one portrayed in Star Trek, certain people will be happy to achieve a certain level of mediocrity. To quote Joseph Heller: "Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them" Either that, or to...
  2. Oatley1

    It really is that bad

    There are a certain number of films that I will refuse to watch on principle - this is one of them. (Blair Witch 2 is another).
  3. Oatley1

    Donnie Darko

    Donnie Darko - brilliant movie. My take is at the core, it is a movie that poses questions, not answers. The main question being whether we are driven by free will or is everything fated to happen. SPOILER!!!!! Was the world really going to end, as predicted by the giant rabbit if Donnie...
  4. Oatley1

    Deep Space Nine

    I liked DS9 a lot, except for the yearly Ferengi shows. Arragh! The arc that I liked best was the Bajoran spiritual / political one, which was pushed to the sidelines after the Dominion War started up.
  5. Oatley1

    Dr. Who for dummies

    I would say yes to buying the episodes - it is unlikely that the BBC will issue whole seasons together, except for the odd special one (like the 'Key to Time' series, which ran a whole season). Get them, because they are really well written stories (for the most part), but just be aware that...
  6. Oatley1

    Babylon 5 changes

    A transition episode between Sinclair and Sheridan at the start of season 2.
  7. Oatley1

    Bush not so dumb after all? <g>

    So, I can buy my new car, and get many years of enjoyment out of it? This is good news, as I have recurring nightmares about spending $40,000 on a new car, only to run out of oil in 5 years...
  8. Oatley1

    On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not (SPOILERS)

    Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not........... I thought Andy Lane, the author of the Babylon Files, had a good analysis of the novels, describing which ones were reasonable, and which ones should be avoided, and the reasons for each. I fould that to be quite reliable.
  9. Oatley1

    Why Babylon?

    I think he used it for a number of reasons... Firstly, Babylon was one of the crossroads of the ancient world, where travellers from many places would stop over when going elsewhere. This is also true of B5. Secondly, Babylonian creation myth described the universe as being born out of the...
  10. Oatley1

    S1 Review and Image Problems at tvshowsondvd.com

    Finally got my hands on the R4 release. The physical discs are fine, no scratches on them, and all within their holders. With regards to the images themselves, they are much better than my VHS versions, so I am thrilled. Granted, my setup isn't the most "sophistimacated" (as Homer would put...
  11. Oatley1

    JMS & SFX

    Thanks, Kribu!!!
  12. Oatley1

    centauri and technomage trilogies

    I liked them both, very easy to read. The Centauri one is probably the more 'interesting' given that it focuses on the fate of Centauri Prime post Londo's ascension. However, in my opinion, the technomage is the better read, and it does flesh out Galen very well (in fact, my enjoyment of...
  13. Oatley1

    JMS & SFX

    Having just seen a JMS quote in the B5 forum, I noticed that in the signoff, JMS has specifically refused SFX magazine permission to use his quotes in any way. What's the story behind this?
  14. Oatley1

    New Forum???

    Heck, the rate we're going, all forums are going to have to be NC-17!
  15. Oatley1

    New Forum???

    Isn't that one of the seven signs of the apocalypse? Seriously, I do like the list, and agree with having a forum for the actors separate - we can post our fantasies there...
  16. Oatley1

    IGN FilmForce interviews Jerry Doyle

    I think you're right, Joe - it is an assumption (but a very attractive one). Maybe one day, sometime in the not-to-distant-future, I would like to see JMS publish some material, notes, on his original conception of the arc, the characters, where they were to go, etc. I am thinking something...
  17. Oatley1

    S2, S3 *and* S4 in 2003?

  18. Oatley1

    What are your favoirte B5/crusade quotes?

    Don't forget the D'OH!!!!
  19. Oatley1

    S2, S3 *and* S4 in 2003?

    Most workers in Australia get paid fortnightly - that's why we constantly refer to it!
  20. Oatley1

    someone who likes b5

    Now there's a good job - script writer for 'Crossing Over With John Edward' "... and I'm sensing a very tense period, where you felt you were in danger from, and I hope I'm getting this right, a gopher?" "OH MY GOD! YES! Our pet gopher, Harold, went rabid, and started ripping out our...