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Search results

  1. N

    Lorien's Spaceship

    Re: Lorien\'s Spaceship Interesting points! I believe that Lorien took his ship later on after he arrived on Babylon 5.
  2. N

    Sleeping in Light question (SPOILER)

    I think the series finale for Babylon 5 was the BEST series finale I have ever watched. It made me cry and it had its joyous side to it as well. That part is unclear, however, all the air locks were sealed tightly and his body was never found. So, I do believe that he went to the rim but, as...
  3. N

    Hello I am new...or am new now...err...whatever

    UBB5-ML-200787-ML- New or not, you're in the wrong forum. Moved to Off-Topic.