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Search results

  1. Oatley1

    Did Franklin do the right thing in "Believers"?

    Re: Did Franklin do the right thing in \"Believers\"? For me, the most intriguing dynamic in the episode is the fact that Franklin recognises that no matter what road he takes, he will be breaking with one of his beliefs - the classic damned if you do, damned if you don't situations. His call...
  2. Oatley1

    Girfriend & B5

    I literally dragged my wife through the whole 5 year run, and given she generally despises sci-fi, I think that is a very good indication of how good B5 is (she refuses to watch any Star Wars, thinks William Shatner should be shot on sight, etc). I have told her that as soon as I get my Season...
  3. Oatley1

    JMS blooper on commentary for Chrysalis

    Hypatia, You haven't seen Episode 2? It will be interesting to see what you think. The general consensus is that it is superior to Episode 1, but the love story angle seemed to divide a lot fans.
  4. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> Damn. I gave too much away today Don't worry, Hyp, your secret's safe with me... Unless... You use your special connections to get me the names of the next four winners of the World Series... *I hears that money a-rollin' in...*
  5. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    So, you teach trigonometry, you vomit blood, your head rotates, and you're on a first name basis with Satan.... I am starting to form a mental picture here, hypatia...
  6. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> No, I think my master, Satan, would know them if they did You name dropper, you!
  7. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> Darned illiterates They probably watch the Brady movies too!
  8. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    They must have missed out on the 'Possession for Dummies' books. It's what I always say, young people just don't read enough!
  9. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> Besides, 360 degrees is such a great thing for an algebra/trigonometry instructor I can see the local paper headlines one fine morning after one of your classes, hypatia... STUDENTS INJURED IN MATHS TUTORIALS A dozen maths...
  10. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> Well, hell. There go my plans for surprising you on Monday Multi-skilled, I see...
  11. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    Don't get me wrong, Joe, I really like Gary as an actor, it's just his luck on TV shows hasn't been too good recently... IT'S THE CURSE, I TELL'S YA! THE CURSE OF GARY COLE! BWAHHHAAA!!!
  12. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    (Oatley now approaches with caution...) Just as long as your head doesn't turn 360 degrees
  13. Oatley1

    Brady Bunch Movies

    OK, I'll go out on a limb here, and say that I actually enjoyed the Brady movies with Gary Cole. They were kitsch (is that how you spell it?), with just the right amount of self-mocking humour. Infinitely better than the original series! Here's a thought I just had, though (it might need a new...
  14. Oatley1

    Another loser from B5O

    Excellent!!! I just loved the warning above the STRACZ door... cracked me up big time!!!
  15. Oatley1

    Oatley1's Halloween Entry

    Oatley1\'s Halloween Entry OK, since others have posted theirs, I'll give mine a whirl... The Waking Dream “This is not good.” Lightning flashed across the sky. Rain poured down every crevice in a flood of despair. “You have forgotten something…” a voice intoned. He turned to face the...
  16. Oatley1

    The winning entries

    Editing??? I wish I had the time! I composed mine in 15 minutes during my lunch break, and submitted it to Ant after a quick spell-check! Re-reading it now, I think it was OK, it just needed an ending. Any ending.
  17. Oatley1

    B5 short stories...

    All three were very good. I enjoyed reading each of them. Certainly better than my effort. Oh, well. I really liked the idea of Kosh going "Boo" - it amused me for quite a while. Such an incongruous image.
  18. Oatley1

    Who would you like to see interviewed at B5TV.COM?

    Good suggestions so far, but one that I would like to see interviewed would be Harlan Ellison
  19. Oatley1

    Soul Hunter - A Provocative Think-Piece

    This is no place for a good stoning... that would be the NC-17 Forum... Seriously, I agree with you there Galahad. Passign through Gethsemane in particular is an excellent exploration of religious themes, something which, as you mentioned, is sorely lacking in much TV sci-fi today.
  20. Oatley1

    Marcus and Neroon

    Yep, The Marcus / Neroon B-story was the only thing worth watching in the episode. Though the beginning with the doll and Garabaldi was very weird. The first time I watched it, I thought the episode was heading towards a semi-horror story. I guess I was only half-right (with the 'horror' being...