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  1. L

    Mongoose Babylon 5 books...

    Yes it is, my mistake. It just so happened to not get published as an actual book either. It ended up sold as a pdf exclusive...
  2. L

    Mongoose Babylon 5 books...

    Looks like some might make it out as fan fiction from the various authors... Ranger Dawning http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=27285 Leap of Faith http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=27281
  3. L

    babylon 5 book date breakdown...

    could anyone on these boards help me with a timeline I'm working on? I need dating information from the three Babylon 5 book trilogies. could someone here aid me in breaking them down? my books are all away in storage right now...
  4. L

    Lt. Matheson on LOST

    i just realized that he was on LOST. so far that's two B5/Crusade actors on the show...
  5. L

    why were ivonava and sinclair written out?

    did they want to leave the show or did JMS always plan to move these characters when he did? i had always heard that claudia christen left under bad terms but i never new for sure...
  6. L

    will legends of the rangers be released on dvd?

    will it make it to dvd after crusade comes out? or do we not know yet what will happen? and whatever happened to the possibility of a spin off show based on it?
  7. L

    what is known about the ending of crusade?

    other than the 3 released scripts and the multiple rumors of other season one episodes what do we know about the rest of the seasons? i seem to remember hearing that there were supposed to be five seasons with the cure found in season 2 and the rest dealing with shadow tech. is that right...
  8. L

    questions on the babylon 5 rpg's and ccg...

    questions on the babylon 5 rpg\'s and ccg... are these sources monitored by JMS at all? are they canon? i was just wondering since the new rpg books from mongoose give dates for the tv series and other events. do the babylon 5 wars minitures game or the ccg give any info that isn't covered...
  9. L

    B5 - Season 1 - 5 Correct Viewing Orders

    has JMS ever stated what the correct viewing order is?
  10. L

    viewing order for babylon 5...

    is the viewing order used on the dvd box sets the final set order that JMS decided on or is it the original airing order?
  11. L

    what happened to the new babylon 5 graphic novel?

    wasn't JMS writing a new graphic novel that was supposed to be produced by wildstorm press? i remember reading that it was supposed to tie the babylon 5, crusade and legends of the rangers universe together.
  12. L

    crusade viewing order and unaired episodes...

    yeah, it does have some weird ordering of the episodes. it's biggest plus is the info on the unproduced episodes. anybody have any idea how accurate it is?
  13. L

    crusade viewing order and unaired episodes...

    i found a couple of sites with some info on the unproduced scripts. just in case anyone is interested... Crusade Spoilers and Synopsis Crusade order with scripts
  14. L

    a definitive babylon 5 universe timeline...

    wasn't the timeline that was in the B5 magazines incorrect? i had read that a dating error had thrown almost all of the dates off.
  15. L

    a definitive babylon 5 universe timeline...

    can anyone recommended a all ecompasing timeline? i've read the one on the lurker's guide but it does seem to be missing some stuff. i've found others which seem to derived from it but they are all also missing stuff.
  16. L

    sinclair and sakai's final fates...

    Re: sinclair and sakai\'s final fates... i kinda agree with everyone whop has said that JMS will probably never write their end. unless we do get a book series about Valen's war with the Shadows. one can only hope...
  17. L

    crusade viewing order and unaired episodes...

    ok, first of all, what is the definitive viewing order for crusade? i've seen a couple of differnt orderings online and i was just wondering what JMS has verified on it. second, what all do we know about the placement of the unproduced episodes? I know The End of the Line is the season finale...
  18. L

    sinclair and sakai's final fates...

    sinclair and sakai\'s final fates... do you think JMS will ever write their last story? the last page of In Valen's Name certainly makes it seem that at some point sinclair found her.
  19. L

    question about a cut scene from early episode.....

    Re: question about a cut scene from early episode. interesting, thanks for the explanation. i had heard that JMS removed the scene because of some protests from the production company or something. but your explanation definately makes more sense. it's kinda like some star wars fans who...
  20. L

    question about a cut scene from early episode.....

    i have heard rumors about a scene that was either cut entirely or re-edited from a season one episode that involved talia and ivonava sahring a kiss. is this true? and if so, why was it cut? i'm kinda suprised JMS would allow that