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  1. Telepath

    How good are the script books?

    Done - I finished watching all five seasons again :) Still, even though I have made peace with the loss of Catherine Sakai after S1, especially in S4 the Sinclair arc seems awfully grafted onto Sheridan, which spoils my enjoyment of that wonderful season. Well, perhaps I am reading too much...
  2. Telepath

    EpDis: In The Beginning

    I agree with RMcD on that one. I found the movie to be utterly incredible, with so many key characters of B5 playing important roles 10 years earlier. Londo was responsible for enough mayhem in the series, to make him responsible for the failure of peace negotiations in the earth-minbari war...
  3. Telepath

    aborted B5 spinoff series with original cast?

    I think the concept you are referring to is "money" ;-)
  4. Telepath

    Season 1: Ko'Dath's brief visit to the show

    Oh man, if you follow the link Jan posted above, it reads in the end: erm... is this a joke or not?? in "to dream in the city of sorrows", valen's face is always described as featureless. it has been some time since i read the novel, but could it be that valen was originally intended to be...
  5. Telepath

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News Besides, bad or mediocre CGI appear even more fake on HD-DVD. I recently watched King Kong on HD-DVD, and it's hideous. Ann seems SO cut into the scene with Kong. Concerning aliens and their physical appearance, the possibility of one head, two hands with opposing...
  6. Telepath

    Origin of Minbari beliefs

    Okay, that's fine with me :) Nope, I am definitely shure about this. Catherine (her job indicates it) is always on the road, and JMS stated somewhere (probably also a quotation I found on the Lurker's Guide, but can't remember where) before the release of City of Sorrows that they have split...
  7. Telepath

    Origin of Minbari beliefs

    An interesting quote from "In Valen's Name" I dug out at the Lurker's Guide: (look here: http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/comic/014.html) That implies that Sinclair did not have children with Catherine, and that he has found someone else... I could live with that, since the fate of Catherine...
  8. Telepath

    Origin of Minbari beliefs

    Concerning the 'Circle of Valen', I'm really looking forward to seeing (okay, which of the two progressive tenses is false?...) the original 5-year plan with Sinclair in place. Concerning the fact with Valen's children, I think it made sense for JMS to 'lie' about it, or some viewers might have...
  9. Telepath

    Origin of Minbari beliefs

    Still, I think that the circle would have been even more beautiful with Sinclair learning in his human life, as commander of B5 during the shadow/vorlon war, the things to prepare him for his life as the great leader Valen. As the story stands now, Sinclair achieves most of his greatness as...
  10. Telepath

    Origin of Minbari beliefs

    I've dug out this thread because the Minbari belief in one of their own being reborn as humans just started to puzzle me. If the triluminary detects human DNA / specifically Sinclair's DNA, that is the answer to why the Minbari believed Sinclair to be Valen and ended the war. But if the...
  11. Telepath

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News Well, since I consider buying a new DVD player anyway, perhaps I'll get one that can make use of NTSC discs. Chances for spoiling TLT are too good otherwise ;)
  12. Telepath

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News Concerning the release of the first TLT disc: Does anyone know when WB is going to launch it in Europe? I would hate reading about the contents before having watched the stuff myself.
  13. Telepath

    Kosh and Song

    My thoughts on "listen to the music, not the song" and Kosh's focus on music: I cannot help but link the Vorlon philosophy of harmony to the 16th century Elizabethan world view. The connection to music reminds me of the music of the spheres, the song of harmony. I think "listen to the music, not...
  14. Telepath

    B5:TLT - New Logo and CGI

    I thought a very long time about why I don't like the lines behind the new babylon 5 logo (the waterfall). and then i knew it. atari!