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  1. C

    Whedon no longer to write "Wonder Woman"

    Veering off-topic for a moment... I would actually argue otherwise. Yes, it was made by Pixar, who historically has done cartoon-oriented CGI flicks, but the Incredibles was different, IMHO. They brought Brad Bird on to direct for one, and frankly I don't know if it was that or other...
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    Animated Models Of Every B5 Ship

    Strange, but I can't get the site to work at all in Safari. Haven't tried Firefox yet, though. Shame, I wanted to see the ships, too... --mcn
  3. C

    The Official BSG S3 Spoiler Thread

    I don't think the confused, conflicting motivations are a plot hole so much as a symptom of them being created by humans :) Frankly, I don't think Baltar will be a Cylon. If they were to reveal that, they wouldn't show it in a teaser. They're showing it in the teaser as a shocker thing and as a...
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    The Official BSG S3 Spoiler Thread

    33 minutes was basically the time it took for the Cylons to trace where they had jumped to next. So the Cylons catch them, they jump away, and they have 33 minutes to get everyone coordinated again before the Cylons trace where they went to and find them again. Also, I'm not sure if that episode...
  5. C

    Attack of the Killer Fan Films

    Yeah, I saw Garret Wang in there. Threw me off a bit due to the context, but was interesting nonetheless :) It's certainly nice to see to see the fan films getting more "official" backing, so-to-speak, that's for sure. All the more reason I guess I was being overly critical of the trailer--if...
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    Attack of the Killer Fan Films

    I agree, very little content shown. What plot was shown was basically "legends fighting one another for no readily apparent reason (well, Chekov's family was killed, but that's it). Oh, and I'm not a fan of the backlit letters, but that's just me. I'd rather text in a trailer be understated...
  7. C

    Firefly now on iTMS!

    Not that many will care, but I think it's awesome: they've added Firefly to the iTunes Music Store! (and some other Fox shows like Buffy season 1 and 24). Now, to me it doesn't matter *that* much since I already have it on DVD. However, I think iTMS is the *perfect* venue for Firefly, now and...
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    Revisiting original Trek

    Frankly, I can forgive the reset button in The Year of Hell for one simple reason: they used the reset button properly! The reason we hate the reset button is because it was so over-used and resulted in zero growth of characters, plot or anything else worth growing on Star Trek. In other...
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    Revisiting original Trek

    *blatantly jumps back to the middle of the thread* Frankly, any Voyager episode with the Doc as the main character was quite good (except for maybe the last season or so, they just ended up missing the point finally). *Some* of the writers got the point of his character, in that, for a...
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    May 1, 2005...

    Same here...classic Family Guy there :) but did anybody catch the Blues Brother's reference? Hillariously perfect! :) --mcn
  11. C


    Eh, I wasn't that impressed, but maybe that's just b/c my standards have been set uber-high by Pixar :) Although yes, it was decent, at least for Dreamworks standards :) --mcn
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    Re: IT\'S DEAD, JIM? Call me hopeful, but can anybody come up with reasons *why* JMS would still be unable to comment about the writing campaign? Thoughts: - Pessimism: People are still upset that their replace-actors-with-big-name-stars idea was shot down, and he doesn't want to ruffle...
  13. C

    Timothy Zahn's Star Wars as Movies?

    Re: Timothy Zahn\'s Star Wars as Movies? Lucas? No way in hell. But I'd *love* to see it done. IMVHO, they would've made three movies far far better than what Episode I and II have proven to be (and what I'm expecting Ep III to be like). As far as the original actors being too old: So fudge a...
  14. C

    Top Ten moments in sci-fi...

    Having seen the theatrical release first, then the director's cut, I greatly prefer the director's cut, but I've always wondered if I would really get all the nuances if I hadn't heard the voiceovers first. Although my wife saw it the first time without voiceovers and followed it without a...
  15. C

    Top Ten moments in sci-fi...

    Damn, been a while since I've seen the theatrical release. Although I *still* prefer the director's cut. "Time to die." *dies* No voice over. No nothing. Just the images and music and your thoughts. :) *shrugs* To each their own. --mcn
  16. C

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    Or in this case, the other way around: they got pissed at Moore *after* taking in all the war propaganda without so much as a word. Which, ironically, is one thing the movie addresses. Go figure, that. Personally, I greatly enjoyed the movie. To me, yes, Moore tends to slant things in a way he...
  17. C

    More various from jms - 6/15/04 5:58 am

    Apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere, but it looks like I may be the first to break the news: EDIT: Sorry, my browser didn't show the other thread had new messages, so I thought it hadn't been reported yet. Silly me. Feel free to delete this entire thread, since I don't know...
  18. C

    WB announcement due on ...

    You consider *that* scary? Man, I need to get checked in somewhere then...it took me 2 seconds to recognize it AND realize that he misplaced the "she said" in the quote (it goes after the second "underground" :) :eek: --mcn
  19. C

    So, what did happen to Sinclair?

    Very wise :) At this point, I feel compelled to quote the relevant passage from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (once again proving the brilliance that was D. Adams :) (Note: I copied this from another quote site, since I don't have the book itself in front of me, so any typos are...
  20. C

    So, what did happen to Sinclair?

    Not entirely necessarily. Given reincarnation, it's certainly possible, but it still doesn't exclude the simple option that Valen's soul was originally Sinclair's, born in the 2200's, travelling back in time, and then dying. Nobody said it had to be Valen's soul that stuck around. In fact...