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  1. C

    Matrix Revolutions Kicks Ass! (spoilers)

    Not quite those words, but yes, exact same thing crossed my mind as well, which to me was the truly tragic part of the scene... That's what they tried in the second movie, but Smith/Bane set one off while all the ships were close together, taking out several others and reducing their numbers...
  2. C

    Matrix Revolutions Kicks Ass! (spoilers)

    Here we go again...oh how I love a good argument, er discussion :) Not true. The battle they are fighting is for *freedom*. Being forced to be in the Matrix and choosing to be are two entirely different scenarios. Hence the people that reject the Matrix, hence the Oracle, hence the entire...
  3. C

    Matrix Revolutions Kicks Ass! (spoilers)

    In pieces... Why not? The entire point of the Oracle's setup is that she *knows* man and machine must co-exist if either are to survive. The problem was she couldn't just walk up to either side and tell them that, they wouldn't believe it, so she had to force them both down a road until they...
  4. C

    Matrix Revolutions Kicks Ass! (spoilers)

    Just got back from seeing it, and frankly, Morpheus from the 2nd movie said it best: The ending, for me, was somewhat expected, somewhat not, but in retrospect completely natural and fitting and, frankly, the ONLY way it could've ended. First off, Neo *had* to die. Period. Smith is his equal...
  5. C

    "Would you like to shoot me now...

    Re: \"Would you like to shoot me now... LOL yup, I snatched that one up as well. Just can't beat the classics sometimes :) --mcn
  6. C

    B5 reference in webcomic

    Apologies if this already got posted elsewhere, but I couldn't find it, so here it is. Goobs B5 Reference Goobs is a cool webcomic. Sporadically updated, but overall very cool, and lots of sci-fi references. And occasionally they make some good points :) Cheers, -mcn
  7. C

    Aliens Spoil

    IIRC, he had to abandon it when they had to go for a swim. Yes, A:R was definitely not the shining point of the series, although I think the worst of the bunch still is Alien^3. A:R, by contrast, was a movie with good actors and a few good lines but mostly a really bad, shoddy premise and plot...
  8. C

    Truth behind JMS vs. Top Cow

    I don't think so. I certainly don't remember anything to that effect in the JMSNews archives, and at least nowadays JMS has stated that WB is and has always been a firm supporter of B5. Yes, but you have to admit, it *was* pretty bad timing on SFC's part. Particularly given the region-specific...
  9. C

    In case this hasn't been covered elsewhere already

    Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already Isn't the "sock puppets" part there redundant? :) --mcn
  10. C

    In case this hasn't been covered elsewhere already

    Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already The children? They'll scream in horror and dive back into the womb :p At least, if they have any sense in 'em... :D --mcn
  11. C

    In case this hasn't been covered elsewhere already

    In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already In case you haven't heard: http://launch.yahoo.com/read/news.asp?contentID=212951 Fight the insanity! Or at least, attempt to: http://www.petitiononline.com/no2jlo/petition.html --mcn
  12. C

    Season 4 Hair

    OK, took me a bit to find the reference, but in S1, "Infection", Garibaldi is buying that thing-or-another from the vendor after talking to the ISN reporter, and he tells the vendor: Maybe instead it's just a time-delayed hair loss potion? --mcn
  13. C

    CNN's Thompson Takes Up with Psychics

    Re: CNN\'s Thompson Takes Up with Psychics WHAT????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! --mcn
  14. C

    Official Announcement for S2

    No, but there are some of us who *are* fans of the show, are quite willing to shell out $75 for S2, and are trying to introduce friends into the show who are now hooked on it but have no idea what's coming. Hence why I'm hoping that, even if the box contains the spoiler, hopefully the opening...
  15. C

    Official Announcement for S2

    Hmmm the cover looks *ok*...ah well, I'll just be happy when it comes out However, one small nitpick, and I *hope* this problem won't carry over to the season 2 credits like it did in the original Sci-Fi widescreen broadcasts (IIRC): (SPOIIOLLLLLLLEERRRRRR) Delenn already has her...
  16. C

    Finally revealed! Where JMS got the "B5" idea

    Re: Finally revealed! Where JMS got the \"B5\" idea BTW, Joe, thanks for reminding me about Get Smart. I've since started watching the late night reruns on cable. Still funny after all this time Thx, --mcn
  17. C

    Finally revealed! Where JMS got the "B5" idea

    Re: Finally revealed! Where JMS got the \"B5\" idea Broadcast version: *Shadow ship fires, misses White Star* Delenn: They missed! They never miss... Original version: *Shadow ship fires, misses White Star* Sheridan: Missed it by *that* much! --mcn
  18. C

    Bush not so dumb after all? <g>

    Of course, Karl Rove failed to mention the rest of Bush's comment on the subject: "...Yeah, I think Babylon 5 is the best sci-fi series ever. My absolute *favorite* part is that way cool, selfless, for-the-people hero that's the center of the show. Yeah, you know, the one that embodies all that...
  19. C

    R1 DVD - First full-length review

    I only know what one is because I just read the nifty little article from Douglas Adams that mentioned it (as reprinted in his post-mortem book The Salmon of Doubt; I highly recommend it btw, esp to any DNA fans out there Still scary tho :O Cheers, --mcn
  20. C

    Jumping on the bandwagon...my losing entry

    OK, since others have started posting their entries that didn't win, and since I'm desparate for *anyone* to say it is good, *big breath* here's my entry. Hope you all enjoy. Praise is best accepted in the form of large cash donations. --mcn ---------------------------------------- “Next...