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Search results

  1. Elenopa

    Dr Who - Season 30 (4) [SPOILERS]

    Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4) No, it's 13 episodes as usual. Next year, we are only getting four specials. This is so David Tennant can do a stint with the RSC or something.
  2. Elenopa

    Two Big Crusade Questions

    Don't rub it in! I've got possibly a two week wait before I can read it :mad:
  3. Elenopa

    Dr Who - Season 30 (4) [SPOILERS]

    Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4) I know I have read the episode titles (apart from the one that's not been released, but I think we can guess why), but I don't remember any of them specifically. I think I shall avoid them for a week or so, just to make the surprise a bit greater.
  4. Elenopa

    Dr Who - Season 30 (4) [SPOILERS]

    Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4) The other night at our Si-Fi pub meet, the gang were speculating who 'she' could be. As well as Rose, it could be Sarah Jane, Romana or the Rani, among others. I'd be suprised if it was straight forward.
  5. Elenopa

    Dr Who - Season 30 (4) [SPOILERS]

    Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4) Almost definately. I also think it's interesting that we have had two lost/destroyed planets mentioned.
  6. Elenopa

    Changeling News

    Is there absolutely no mention of the WRITER ? :eek:
  7. Elenopa

    Dr Who - Season 30 (4) [SPOILERS]

    Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4) I think the actual United Nations didn't like the connection. We all know that UNIT stands for United Nations Intelligance Taskforce but that is never mentioned at anythime in the new series; it is only called UNIT. Ood episode. Nice. Donna is turning out to be a...
  8. Elenopa

    Screen Caps?

    One place where I have got pictures from before is http://www.jumpnow.de/p/index.php There was another site that had loads of pics, but doesn't seem to be there anymore. Luckily I think I downloaded everything onto my hard drive, so if there is anything specific you want, I might be able to help.
  9. Elenopa

    Dr Who - Season 30 (4) [SPOILERS]

    Well, any BBC watchers wish to comment? I'm not too sure about the rock guitar riffs in the theme tune.
  10. Elenopa

    I'd like an opinion here - Garibaldi's role in fight for Earth

    I'd say Garibaldi goes to Mars. Of the options, that one feels right for him.
  11. Elenopa

    Indy IV starts shooting....

    The teaser trailer is out. Don't know where else it is available but someone has posted it in their Livejournal. (I joined at the new year under the name Elenopa, if anyone else uses it) http://lonemagpie.livejournal.com/
  12. Elenopa

    Proof of Purchase for Free Volume 15

    I've just done it with 10 numbers and it's worked.
  13. Elenopa

    Torchwood Season 2 - UK viewers

    Opening episode was very cool. James Masters was in Spike mode and had some of the best lines. Loved the Star Wars quote. Looking good for the rest of the season.
  14. Elenopa

    Mindwalker and Evolution

    42 Couldn't resist :lol:
  15. Elenopa

    Dr Who - Voyage of the Damned

    I just remembered something else. I noticed they had jazzed up the theme tune. I hope that is not staying for the next season, I liked it fine as it was.
  16. Elenopa

    Dr Who - Voyage of the Damned

    Well? I liked it. Glad it wasn't another alien invasion story like the last two. Nice reference of 42. You would think the Doctor would be wary of angels after 'Blink'. Shame the Tardis doesn't have a recall button. Very interesting look at the next season. Ood and someone with another sonic...
  17. Elenopa

    CompUniv: Sabre rattling?

    This has come up before somewhere. The original title for that episode was going to be 'Blood and Thunder'. The only mention of sabre rattling in B5 that I can remember is in the episode 'Gropos'. Where the DVD people got this title from I don't know, but it's not on my edition of season 1.
  18. Elenopa

    Robin Hood

    Reserecting the thread as we have a second season and at last there is something to watch and pass the time on Saturday nights. I knew there was likely to be silliness, so there wasn't too much to annoy me. The 'Mission Impossible' false face moment was a bit much though, and how can the...
  19. Elenopa

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Oh please no!!!!!! If B5 had been on T4, it would have been cut to shreds! Smallville is has very obvious cuts in just about every episode. It is very annoying when the action suddenly jumps by five seconds.
  20. Elenopa

    B5:TLT, Success or Failure

    You can read more on the moderated newsgroup at http://groups.google.com/group/rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated/browse_thread/thread/35b07191745748b6/?hl=en#