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  1. T

    Doctor Strange Movie

    I have that late 70's TV version on tape. Like the Star Wars Holiday Special, I keep it around when I feel a mood for self flagilation coming on. Also, every so often, I forget and ask myself "How bad was it, really?" Doesn't take too long to remember. The horror... the horror...
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    Closing Title Theme Music

    From the Lurkers Guide: I seem to recall that JMS later said that he felt the S3 closing music fit the story better, imparting a greater sense of urgency, so he descided to stick with it. But I can't find anything to back that last part up. Edit just to add another thought: I rather like...
  3. T

    The Title - again

    Yeah, The Memory of Shadows sounds kind of-- deeper than the others; it works on more levels. (Have we hit "groupthink mode" yet? ;))
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    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

    Very cool. I started the game awhile ago, but put it aside so I can finish Morrowind. I'll definitely listen for them!
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    "Today we lost Richard Biggs"

    Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\" Very sad news. He did such a fine job as Dr. Franklin. Richard always made him interesting to watch. I'll miss seeing him in future projects. Really places things in perspective. I'm suddenly glad to be able to worry about things like job and money and such.
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    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Gimli in TTT: "Toss me." :devil:
  7. T

    Spotted Claudia and Tracy

    Don't worry, it's that, too. :lol:
  8. T

    New Earth *SPOILER*

    D'OH! I thought the spoiler warning was for the episode, not the commentary! :lol: I have got to get me that S4 set! Sigh.
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    "To Dream..." taken off bookshelves

    Re: \"To Dream...\" taken off bookshelves Because the book is a re-issue, I'd hazard a guess that most of the people interested in buying it had already done so the first time around. Just like I did. :) Whether or not this channe's news heralds a global shortage of "To Dream...," I do suggest...
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    "... videotape is dead, man."

    Re: \"... videotape is dead, man.\" It is for that reason alone I am grateful no one has thought to videotape one of my training sessions. It's bad enough trying to keep my inner monologue to a dull roar while I'm "in the moment." If I actually saw myself teaching? Horrors. Videotape is...
  11. T

    RIP Michael Kamen

    Yep. I only have a couple of his scores on CD (X-Men and Robin Hood), but he was very good indeed. He had been fighting MS for some time, and I believe I read somewhere that the heart attack was due to complications from this.
  12. T

    Babylon Five fiction or a future reality?

    B5 at its best is a very cool tv show in the way it can prompt thought. (Don't forget, they blew up stuff, too.) One could argue that B5 is clearly about the need to dissolve nations or clearly illustrates the inefficacy of super-national organizations like the UN. I don't think JMS was saying...
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    Forever Knight

    One of my wife's all time favs, it was the most memorable of the "Crime time after prime time" programming. I enjoyed it quite a bit until they retooled it, adding two new characters and eliminating older ones. Wasn't it on SciFi or maybe USA in that last season? I also recall that they...
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    Stupid Questions for Melissa Gilbert

    Agreed. I have a wole new level of respect for her. I mean, the Borg kicking Bjork's ass, you just don't hear ideas like that enough these days... :lol:
  15. T

    New Doctor Who!

    I remembered Sara, forgot about Katrina. So that's three, four if you count Peri. Yeah, considering the opportunities for death and dismemberment, by and large, the Docotr does an exemplary job looking after his companions. Being the Doctor's companion is the safest way to time travel! :cool:
  16. T

    New Doctor Who!

    Well, when you put it like that... :lol: Yeah, they were both prety darn bad. But Crusher more so, I think.
  17. T

    New Doctor Who!

    I have it on tape and saw it a few months ago. Yeah, I think he did. Must be the Doctor didn't care for Adric all that much either... ;) Seriously, though, I don't think continutiy plays as big a role on Doctor Who as it did in B5, as the hilarious intro Joe linked to demonstrates.
  18. T

    New Doctor Who!

    Adric's demise had nothing to do with the space-time continuum or the badge for mathmatical excellence. I remember the end of Earthshock well. That badge, the silent credits. And all the while, our group gathered around the dormitory TV cheered. Adric was Doctor Who's Wesley Crusher. Or...
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    New Doctor Who!

    Alan Cumming?? He has flair...
  20. T

    New Doctor Who!

    Not a gag, but not official. Comic Izzard tipped as new Dr Who Tom Baker (Doctor #4, for the unfortunate who don't know) said Izzard had the part, but the BBC said it hasn't made a final decision yet.