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Search results

  1. Mindwalker

    STAR ROGUE is coming!!!

    NO! that would be DISHONEST!
  2. Mindwalker

    STAR ROGUE is coming!!!

    looks like a new author, Google didn't give me anything. I will give it a try if I remember and see it for sale. It will have to wait behind sawyer though, "Rollback" is top priority on my list right now ;)
  3. Mindwalker

    STAR ROGUE is coming!!!

    care to give up the authors name?
  4. Mindwalker

    STAR ROGUE is coming!!!

    cool seems interesting, I would buy the book I picked: cautiously optimistic
  5. Mindwalker

    STAR ROGUE is coming!!!

    what is it about? got a website?
  6. Mindwalker

    Lost Tales price predictions?

    I would say a price between $20-$60 (US Money) would be a safe bet.
  7. Mindwalker


    Don't get me wrong, I liked the mummy movies as well. Like you said they were fun movies with the right blend of humor and drama But a Mummy movie without Frasier is just wrong IMHO. Why make a mummy 3 that is set in ancient china with jet li? All I can sat is it better have Fraiser, weisz...
  8. Mindwalker


    :rolleyes: The Mummy 3
  9. Mindwalker

    Question about Psi-Corp Trilogy Book Finale

    some of us have not read the trilogy yet...thanks by the way
  10. Mindwalker

    feck !!

    me...last Saturday....wait, you were there!
  11. Mindwalker

    What's an "Active Member"?

    Wiki article
  12. Mindwalker

    I blame you people...

    One of the reasons I love Oregon, no sales tax! :D And with the exception of the newer movies all of them were on sale for half off :beer:
  13. Mindwalker

    This will make some here happy..

    Season 8 of Buffy is coming soon!
  14. Mindwalker

    Thoughts upon Captian America being killed?

    anyone? I never read Capitan America myself so I really have no thoughts upon this but maybe others do.
  15. Mindwalker

    I blame you people...

    I bought: Stargate SG-1: Seasons 1 & 2 The Boondock Saints: Unrated Special Edition Kill Bill: Vol. 1 & 2 Waking Ned Devine Creepshow The Saint Underworld: Unrated Extended Cut Underworld Evolution: Special Edition Dogma Donnie Darko: Directors Cut House of 1000 Corspes The Devils Rejects...
  16. Mindwalker

    I blame you people...

    I just went out and spent over $200 on DVD's, whats up with that?! :p ;) so whats the next step in DVD geekdom?
  17. Mindwalker

    Can I

    ask and ye shall receive!
  18. Mindwalker

    Can I

    This is worse than Osmond! http://youtube.com/watch?v=-feLDOpJfYg
  19. Mindwalker

    EpDis: Sleeping In Light

    Me! because I was bored and was tired of seeing nobody vote "F" :p
  20. Mindwalker

    Region 2 DVD's and cover art...

    does anyone else think the covers of dvd's outside the US look way better? :)