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  1. trekgeezer

    Captain Power returns.

    Thanks for taking care of the dual post I too would hope that they could do a better job of making a comprehensible show.
  2. trekgeezer

    Captain Power returns.

    Sorry about the dual post This is an interesting bit of news and might be cool if they could give it the BSG treatment http://www.captainpowerreturns.net/
  3. trekgeezer

    More B5 on the way?

    Don't really know if this means anything, but you can never tell with these things Check out the story at AICN http://www.aintitcool.com/node/47597
  4. trekgeezer

    JMS To Quit Monthly Comics

    Rarely post here, but thought this would be of interest to everyone. Graphic Novels Are The Future http://www.bleedingcool.com/2010/11/10/scoop-jms-to-quit-monthly-comics-graphic-novels-are-the-future/
  5. trekgeezer

    Deep space 9

    Count me among the DS lovers. I think it's the best of all modern Treks. As far as synthahol, it was Ferengi invention. Data explained t to Scotty that it the same effect as alcohol, but one could easily overcome the deleterious effects. So basically it sounds like you could just decide you...
  6. trekgeezer

    JMS adapts Shattered Union for the big screen

  7. trekgeezer

    Babylon 5 High-Def petition online

    I read a rumor on the Gateworld.net forums that Warners may be considering remastering B5 for an anniversary edition. Like I said this is strictly rumor at this point. http://forum.gateworld.net/showthread.php?t=68963 While trying to find some more info on this I ran across this petition to...
  8. trekgeezer

    42 Disc DVD Boxset for Region 1?

    Most DVD players can be easily made region free with built in hacks. I had to do this a few years ago when I purchased a region2 set of Robocop The Series( it was only released in region2). The code to make the player region free was on the manufacturers web site.
  9. trekgeezer

    WB Possibly thinking Big Screen B5 movie.

    The part that gives me a little hope is that Warner Brothers are asking JMS instead of the other way around this time. My fingers are crossed.
  10. trekgeezer

    WB Possibly thinking Big Screen B5 movie.

    I lurk here occasionally and I ran across this tidbit and thought everyone here would be interested. Looks like JMS' clout as a movie writer maybe paying off on the B5 front. Read the news from JMS at Skewed and Reviewed...
  11. trekgeezer

    uh-oh....this doesn't sound good.

    Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good. According to Richard Attenborough's website, Peter Woodward wrote the film Closing the Ring, he is not listed among the cast, however. This means he could probably do the movie. I can't think of who could portray Galen other than Peter, he is a unique...