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Search results

  1. W

    B5LR: Disappointment

    I personally loved it. It just goes to show that everyone has their own expectations and opinions, and while I may not agree with your's, I wholeheartly support your right to voice them. Perhaps if this is picked up as a series your opinion will change. p.s., I thought Casper was a friendly...
  2. W

    What were your opinions?

    I Loved It! It felt natural from the very beginning... the much anticipated treatment of "The Hand" was handled well, in typical JMS fashion, and the crew had an instant cameraderie that seemed like they'd been working together for a long time. While everyone was impressive, I especially...
  3. W

    IMDB Ad

    Yeah, I just got that too. On first look it's pretty cool, even on a 56K connection. Lots of links and good web video. Right now my wife's got the web connection, but I'll check it out in detail when I can get a solo connection. I'm pretty happy with SciFi's promotion...I've never seen them...
  4. W

    IMDB Ad

    In doing my daily check of the IMDB new today, lo and behold, what did I see but an awesome ad for LOTR...check out IMDB and you'll see what I mean. As this site is viewed by a LOT of relatively informed folks, this bodes well! And, for a TV movie that hasn't even aired yet, it has a 9.6 out...
  5. W

    Did Anybody's Sunday Paper (1/13) Have Anything on B5:LotR?

    Re: Did Anybody\'s Sunday Paper (1/13) Have Anything on B5:LotR? In our local TV Guide (not the actual guide, but the one printed for the paper), Ian Spelling writes a column called "Inside Trek," which used to deal primarily with ST stuff, which got boring pretty quick. Lately though, he's...
  6. W

    SciFi time change: what has it done to you?

    I'm curious...all you folks that don't like the new timing, don't you have VCR's, Tivo, etc.? It really makes it much easier to watch the best show ever made whenever you want to without commercials (except B5LR, I always watch them) and to be able to take a bathroom break when necessary. Just...
  7. W

    SciFi time change: what has it done to you?

    It just made me reset my VCR, as I tape it and watch it at lunch religiously every day (even though I already have the whole series taped...which my wife never lets me forget). I can't wait until the DVD sets come out, so I buy them and STILL tape it every day to watch at lunch LOL !!!!! I...
  8. W

    DVD continues to sell well

    That's weird... when I was there, they paired me with a Farscape DVD (which BTW was 335 in sales). Don't know why they chose Farscape for me, as I've never even watched one LOL! ------------------ Wipster "Live Long in Prosser"
  9. W

    Walkabout CD

    I just got the CD of the soundtrack for "Walkabout" and it does contain the full versions of the two songs that Cailyn sang, "Good Bye" and "All of Me." I must say, after listening to this CD, I'm even more impressed with Christopher Franke. I bought the CD for the two songs, but the sound...
  10. W

    DVD continues to sell well

    Just checked Amazon.com and the DVD is still rated #110 in sales rank... for comparison, Planet of the Apes is #55 and Star Wars Eipsode 1 is #18. I think it's holding up pretty well for a pilot and a made for TV movie! I got my copy for Christmas and I must say, I'm extremely happy with the...
  11. W

    just saw a cool popup ad

    Lyta, Thanks for the links! They actually played pretty well, especially the crew loading (a little bitmapped, but not bad). I gotta give it to SciFi, they're doing a better (more innovative at least) job of promoting B5LR than I thought they would. ------------------ Wipster "Live Long...
  12. W

    New Rangers Interview

    The Rangers were unknown to Sheridan and Garibaldi until Delenn and Sinclair, respectively, let them know of their existence. So, they could not have been very well known on Earth. Obviously there had to be some knowledge, as there were Human Rangers, but Martel must have had some type of inside...
  13. W

    Jerry Doyle?

    I believe the person to whom you're referring is Jane Sibbett, who played Ross' ex-wife Carol Willick, on "Friends." Check out this website for more info...http://ragnhild.freeservers.com/wifes.html. She does look a lot like Andrea Thompson, so you're excused. ------------------ Wipster...
  14. W

    B5LR's competition

    Re: B5LR\'s competition I, most definitely, will be watching B5LR, and taping B5LR (SVHS, SP, premium tape), so I can watch it again on Monday at lunch following the B5 I recorded on SciFi on the previous Friday ("The Exercise of Vital Powers" I believe). I watch B5 at lunch every weekday as a...
  15. W

    Best of B5 CD

    Fanboy, Thanks for checking..."Goodbye" could be the song I'm thinking about. Unfortunately, that's not one that Amazon lets you listen to. I might just have to buy it anyway! Oh, and BTW, I DO have nothing better to do...LOL! ------------------ Wipster "Live Long in Prosser" [This...
  16. W

    Legend of the Rangers and (spoilers)...

    Knowing JMS, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that the Hand is somehow related to Londo...I believe he was referred to as such in a few prophecies and dreams and we never really saw the realization of that. The name is just too convenient... <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font...
  17. W

    Comparing: Jesus VS. The Shadows

    Actually...now that you mention it...Jesus and the Shadows would be a helluva good name for a band! Nobody would guess where it came from... On the subject however, I'm not knowledgable enough to render an opinion. If, in fact, that's actually what he said, I have to wonder if the quotes were...
  18. W

    Comparing: Jesus VS. The Shadows

    Shouldn't it be "what DO Jesus and the Shadows have in common OR what are their differences?" Sorry, couldn't help myself ------------------ Wipster "Live Long in Prosser"
  19. W

    Best of B5 CD

    RW (nice initials, mine too ), Thanks for the info. I know there is a soundtrack for the "Walkabout" episode, and that the last song (played during the credits) is on it, but I don't know about the first song...anybody out there have a copy? ------------------ Wipster "Live Long in Prosser"
  20. W

    News post: B5LR.com review of the telemovie!

    Thanks for the review...I'm pumped! Somebody put me on Metazine until Jan. 19 (wait, wake me for Christmas and New Years) 'cause I can't wait. The new trailers on SciFi are really wetting my appetite and this may have put me over the top! ------------------ Wipster "Live...