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Search results

  1. M

    Babylon 5 CCG

    Hiya, Does anyone remember the Babylon 5 Customizable Card Game? It was made by the now defunct Precedence and I had some great friends when I lived down in New Orleans (during the initial B5 run) who all got together and used to play it for hours on end (we once had a 5 player game...
  2. M

    SPOILER thoughts on Matrix Reloaded

    Here's my take on the situation with the Architect: My understanding was that Neo could go to the door on his left and he would enter the Matrix. The Architect informed him that were he to do that, he could indeed destroy the Matrix BUT the machines would then kill everyone connected to the...
  3. M

    SPOILER thoughts on Matrix Reloaded

    I coulda done without the big dance party thing in Zion and after about 5 minutes of the "infinite-Smith" fight in the playground, it got almost cartoonish. :( Nonetheless, the Freeway scene was worth the price of admission. So here are some questions and thoughts I had. In the second...
  4. M

    Jerry Doyle's glitch...

    Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch... I always thought that Garibaldi was surprised that there WAS a four. Everything should have stopped on three, but it didn't. Like if I was riding down the road in a car and watching the white lines go by, I could count the space between white lines "Okay...
  5. M

    Seen the B5-actors in other shows ?

    okay here's one for ya: In the PAX series "Twice in a Lifetime" (I think that's the name) there's an episode where Boxleitner and his wife (Melissa Gilbert) play a married couple whose son dies in a car wreck. They're both very upset by it and a few months later their marriage is a wreck and...
  6. M

    B5 CCG

    Thanks for the kind words folks, anyone in the Gaffney SC area, or Spartanburg area that wants to get together for a game sometime (without my dream cards, I can't afford to print them but if someone does all I ask is that you send me a copy, email me if you want to do that ) can just post...
  7. M

    B5 CCG

    Well, it worked great! Here are more links without so much commentary. http://www.zeetec.net/host//darik_grey/Emfali%20fleet.GIF http://www.zeetec.net/host//darik_grey/Ghost%20crew%20conflict.JPG While I don't believe the Hand were so awesome, this card certainly is powerful. Note my...
  8. M

    B5 CCG

    I finally got the images posted over at Zeetec.net (thanks to whoever suggested it, very easy to do) Here's the first card, It was inspired by the scene where Sarah is upset upon finding out about the traitor on board: http://www.zeetec.net/host//darik_grey/Crap.JPG next up is the main man...
  9. M

    B5 CCG

    Does anyone here play the B5:CCG? If so, I made some Rangers cards for it on my PC with my digital camera and photoshop...does anyone want to see 'em? let me know and I'll post them somewhere and put a link here.
  10. M

    Interesting news on TV Guide channel

    I'm back! ------------------ "What do you want?"
  11. M

    B5 Autographs

    If anybody plays the B5CCG from Precedence, they inserted random cards in some packages that were autographed by the actors who played the character on the card. The cards with the sigs have these "Precedence Entertainment" logos 'impressed' on them...ala a notary public seal. It's very...
  12. M

    If anyone wants a B5 video game...

    I finally got the mod....it wouldn't work for me either at first, then I tried "unzippiing" it with WinAce archiver and that program put all the files in the right places. It's nice, the AI is dang hard during the Shadow War (Freaking Shadow Destroyers start raining death like 3 or 4 minutes...
  13. M

    Is it Coming here?

    HOOHAH! I'm an ambassador! I can just see it now: *ISA MEETING* Sheridan: "Allright, roll call" Londo: "Londo Mollari, representing the Centauri Republic." G'Kar: "G'Kar, representing the Narn Regime." Delenn: "Delenn, representing the Minbari Empire." Morden: "Mr. Morden representing the...
  14. M

    Is it Coming here?

    Farcesrape?!!? LOL LOL Oh gawd! that's funny! Even in the U.S. we have to deal with the dreaded "Let's hold some episodes for sweeps week" syndrome. It's like no one makes enough shows to last the whole 'season' anymore. I hate it when I see an episode and the trailer at the end is like...
  15. M

    What about Sinclair

    Nice comparison. I've always thought of Lorien as like Gandalf (He's powerful, magical, mystical...and THE first one) so that all makes great sense. I've always felt like JMS was gonna have Sheridan, but he'd be commanding the Agamemnon, not B5 for most of the show. It would have really been...
  16. M

    Allright, your fave episode of each of the 5 seasons

    What's your favorite episode in each season? and why? Mine are: Season One: "Infection"- I love anything written by DC Fontana, so that's a plus. I just liked the way Garibaldi and Sinclair were written in this episode. Also, the Icaran civilization and weaponry were interesting...
  17. M

    Best looking B5 actors/actresses

    Number One...Number One....and ah...Number One Ohhh, I guess I liked Lochley somewhat, and of course, Dodger! Hee hee ------------------ "What do you want?"
  18. M

    If anyone wants a B5 video game...

    As most of you know, S14 has picked up the rights to the "Into the Fire" flight sim set in the B5 universe. I think they're going to try and release it around the time of B5:LR to capitalize on the movie. However, if any of you have or have played the game "Star Trek: Armada" you should be...
  19. M

    If anyone wants a B5 video game...

    I don't know of any more sims like Armada, Mr. President, but follow these links for some screen shots of "Babylon 5: Armada" http://stamods.mindlessgames.com/pictures/ingameshots/Sun1.jpg bad, Shadows, bad! http://stamods.mindlessgames.com/pictures/ingameshots/Watcher9.jpg bad, Vorlons...
  20. M

    The fan favorite

    I think it's going to be Sheridan, at least he'll be in the movie that starts it. I know it won't be Number One, I've heard she's cast as a Vulcan in the new Star Trek series...well, not her specifically, but TPTB over at Paramount have said that the Vulcan T'pau will be the new show's 7 of...