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    Shut up, you! :p
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    SG1 SPOILAGE Tonights ep 8/20and previews to next.

    Re: SG1 SPOILAGE Tonights ep 8/20and previews to n Sounds painfully possible. I wonder if the writers know how much everyone hates this.
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    SG1 SPOILAGE Tonights ep 8/20and previews to next.

    Well, I liked tonight's ep. I've been wondering if at any point in this season that we would have a plot building episode (trying to defeat the Goa'uld, Replicators, etc). Tonight's episode raised more questions into who the group that kidnapped Daniel was and what they were doing. As for...
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    New B5 movies dvd!

    I wonder why they didn't have movie art on the discs...kind of annoying. Yes, it was good to see the dedication to Biggs.
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    Just what do "Administrators" do?

    Re: Just what do \"Administrators\" do? RW wants it really bad... :D
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    Just what do "Administrators" do?

    Re: Just what do \"Administrators\" do? I guess they do do something. I said do-do... :p
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    B5: The Movies available for pre-order on Amazon

    Re: B5: The Movies available for pre-order on Ama Same here. But, it shouldn't be too long before we can get rid of our Crusade tapes. :)
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    Just what do "Administrators" do?

    Re: Just what do \"Administrators\" do? I'd come back again ;)
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    Just what do "Administrators" do?

    Re: Just what do \"Administrators\" do? Voice of reason...hah. hah hah. :p
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    TV Guide's 25 Greatest Sci-Fi Legends

    Re: TV Guide\'s 25 Greatest Sci-Fi Legends Jack O'neill was way down there. And where are Liam Kincaid or William Boone? :mad:
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    Stargate: SG-1 Season 8 Discussion Thread

    S P O I L A G E :lol: That was funny. Well, the only have so many mice to practice on...
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    Tremors 4: Can someone just kill me?

    To fans of Tremors...if there are any...I appologize. But, I just have to ask, Why? Why make a tremors 4? Can't we just smack ourselves in the head with a hammer or something? It's just as good. The original tremors movie was...ok. Nothing spectacular, but alright. Tremors 2...ok. Worse...
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    Bonnie Hammer: Big Fat Liar

    lol I really did enjoy watching the M Night thing. I wouldn't be caught dead seeing F9/11 ;)
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    Bonnie Hammer: Big Fat Liar

    I just go done watching the..."film". I liked it. It was a fun thing to watch, yes it's not true, but it was actually a good show, entertaining.
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    Stargate: Atlantis (pilot) discussion

    I really enjoyed the show. Yes, the energy eating creatures have been done before, but the whole ageing of the prey seems somewhat unique. If the Wraith had been an evolutionary step of humanity, I'd agree more with the Morlock comment. The way I think it went down was, they're stuck in their...
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    Novel Question

    Indeed. It's a good book that I highly recomend. :) It was recently reprinted: Amazon.com Listing
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    Stargate: SG-1 Season 8 Discussion Thread

    His screen time isn't supposed to be cut too much. Only his time on the set. I read about it at scifi.com, about when he is in Vancouver, he'll be working a lot in front of the camera. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)
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    Stargate: SG-1 Season 8 Discussion Thread

    I'd like to see Jonas come back, but I really don't know. I think Jack will go with sg1 occasionally, but not too often. Anyways, the season premier was really cool. :cool:
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    Sliders / SeaQuest DVDs ???

    Season 1 and 2 together for Sliders.
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    Boxleitner in "They Are Among Us"

    Re: Boxleitner in \"They Are Among Us\" I managed to watch all of that movie...just to support Bruce. ;)