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Search results

  1. E

    Face of the new Batman

    Everybody wants to be Batman...
  2. E

    Best DVD Release in September is TOMORROW!

    This is where my money is going on September 16th.
  3. E

    Chat Room

    ah, very good.
  4. E

    Chat Room

    neither work for me. On either of my machines.
  5. E

    Chat Room

    I can't get in. "An error occured: Connecting to IRC: No route to host"
  6. E

    Who Ivanova met (spoiler: Voices of Authority)

    I had never saw the second one back behind before.
  7. E

    Swearing in TV

    :lol: Fuck: the Final Frontier. :lol:
  8. E

    Swearing in TV

    Well, Tom Green is on later and it's mtv. I'm pretty sure I've heard shit on Jackass aswell. Now that's a funny show!
  9. E

    Gerry Doyle Interview

    Both or these are impossible.
  10. E

    Where Can I Find Good Crusade Fan-Fiction?

    I've never read through these, but maybe it will help you. The actual fanfic seems to start at "Season 2" Crusade Fanfic
  11. E

    Alternate endings to TV, film etc.

    Any movie that ended good, should end bad. The Whale in Free Willy getting harpooned by a whaling ship...
  12. E

    Messages from Earth Mystery

    Well, and the first time those chickens got into the hydroponics garden...they be dead chickens!
  13. E

    Alternate endings to TV, film etc.

    I think 28 days later had an alternate ending...but I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. :(
  14. E

    Swearing in TV

    That song always makes me laugh :lol: Oh, I remember when they had that counter they had going. :D
  15. E

    Messages from Earth Mystery

    The time it takes to travel seemed to always change...to me atleast. One time it takes weeks to get to the rim, the next time it's 9 days... I still like the theory about JMS having something against chickens... :p
  16. E

    Swearing in TV

    Well, most uses of f*** are bleeped, as well as others.Sometimes it is just a waste, but in the case of South Park, it's quite funny. I really don't care too much.
  17. E

    Guess the Season 4 Box Color!

    Gold. I think that hott pink would drive most people crazy.
  18. E

    Mr Morden

    :lol: :lol: Eclipse, that is great! :lol: It wouldn't be hard to sneak Morden into his office. I remember Morden being on Earth and talking to a Psi-Cop and an Earth Official and the official saying "Carefull, you could have been seen". So, sneaking around, paying people to look the other...
  19. E

    Farscape Season 2 Box Set

    True. That's why I preorder the expensive items from amazon.
  20. E

    Farscape Season 2 Box Set

    Well, they've finally came out with a date. Hope you have a bag full of money... Studio: A.D. Vision Release Type: Season Boxed Set Release Date: 10/28/2003 Number of Discs: 11 Number of Episodes: 22 Running Time: 1100 mins Retail Price: $149.98 (US$) Video: Full Frame (1.33:1)