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  1. SwiftBiscuit

    Ruined even further

    *Channels Obi-Wan* From a certain point of view. You know initially I agreed that this was a daft step to take but then I remembered how Ben Kenobi told Luke that Vader killed Anakin - later excusing it as being true "from a certain point of view". If whatever causes these ghosts to appear...
  2. SwiftBiscuit

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    Northen Ireland should be taken out of the list since it's been having a quiet (read: poorly reported) civil war for the past few decades and so doesn't really compare fairly to the others in that table. The popularity of guns is a side issue anyway, the fact is that America is simply a violent...
  3. SwiftBiscuit

    RIDDICK: Shiny New Trailer!

    Well I liked EH so foops to you all :p :) I did avoid PB since I thought the trailers painted it as a bland space/horror flick. Following the thoughts here I'll try checking it out of Blockbuster some time.
  4. SwiftBiscuit

    Andromeda Season Finale <SPOILERS>

    Okay I've not watched Drom since RHW got the sack but WTF? I was surprised that the worldship was even a story line anymore considering the Sorbo-centric direction they took, but Trance just blew it up?
  5. SwiftBiscuit


    That was my first thought too, Spy Kids does Thunderbirds. It's such a shame that they've chosen such a daft script because the visuals look spot on. I'm very impressed how they've managed to translate the visual feel of the series. In fact I might betray my principles and go to see it if only...
  6. SwiftBiscuit

    Java News Scroller Replacement

    You think Markas would be foolish enough to make it known that he really runs the place. It's much better for you to be a puppet... er... be in charge while he remains in the background. Yes, yes that's what I meant. ;)
  7. SwiftBiscuit

    Which "B5" Character are You?

    Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You? And I got 1. Bester 2. Sinclair 3. Delenn 4. Refa 5. Garibaldi 17. G'kar 18. Londo Not many Besters out there it seems. Perhaps that's a good thing. :)
  8. SwiftBiscuit

    Beyonce as Lois Lane

    Heh. That made me think about something said once to Dustin Hoffman and his 'character' approach, "My dear boy, have you tried acting?". You can't complain about actors being stereotyped, while at the same time posting Beyoncé into a premade box. I'm not nailing the Lois character to being...
  9. SwiftBiscuit


    It's still hanging around it seems, colonyearth is shown as a stranger. Perhaps it's stuck to all people who joined in that period? And what were Infopop thinking? "Stranger" is a daft way to label newbies - it's hardly welcoming. :p
  10. SwiftBiscuit

    Why are people complaining about Rotk ending??

    Oswald Mosley. Father of the current boss of the FIA, Max Mosley.
  11. SwiftBiscuit

    Tom Cruise as Iron Man?

    I think Cruise has grown a lot lately as an actor though. Working with Kubrick seems to have a deep effect on him. He characters in Days of Thunder and Top Gun were just about identical, he seems to be acting more nowadays. I've yet to see The Last Samurai though.
  12. SwiftBiscuit

    Coming Attractions!

    Yes, I very nearly screwed up and missed the start of RotK last night because it didn't have any trailers or ads! :eek:
  13. SwiftBiscuit

    Shelob ROCKS! (spoilers for ROTK)

    That film feels long. I don't normally feel the length of films but that was so emotional that I was quite drained by the end. Despite that I wish it were longer because I didn't want to leave Middle Earth. :) It must have been a total nightmare to edit because it's packed to bursting with...
  14. SwiftBiscuit

    Spider-Man 2

    Well I looked at the trailer and thought, "Okay. I want to see it now." I guess that's not what you wanted me to think ;)
  15. SwiftBiscuit

    Is anyone still watching 24?

    (possible general spoilers) Agreed, I'm still enjoying watching it. ElScorcho has a point in that there isn't the same threat of a massive calamity that the second one had. After two seasons we know what to expect and so there must be a new threat, but right now we can't see it. I guess that's...
  16. SwiftBiscuit

    The Two Towers - Extended Edition (spoilers)

    That's one of the first things that came to mind when I heard about the DVD format, more to do with setting age limits (skipping sex scenes if the player was set to PG-13, etc.). But in most films that would involve rescoring the soundtrack, it seems. Considering the amount of money spent on...
  17. SwiftBiscuit

    Matrix Revolutions Kicks Ass! (spoilers)

    My god I loved watching that :D I'm surprised no one else has posted yet but I felt having a spoiler-free thread was worth keeping so here goes a second spoiler-filled one. To quote Recoil in the other thread... I can see how the dialog will disappoint people but with luck the massive battle...
  18. SwiftBiscuit

    Matrix Revolutions

    I'd have thought that of all Sci Fi fans, the B5 group would be the one who would most appreciate storylines. I loved Reloaded and not once minded the story 'getting in the way' of the eye candy. In fact I enjoyed the fact that a film with such a strong action bent still had time for a complex...
  19. SwiftBiscuit

    HDTV by 2007?

    Kraig, unfortunately that article seems quite confused and that quote is in fact wrong! The switchover is from analogue to digital carriers, not from SDTV resolution to HDTV. They seem to have combined SDTV and analogue into one thing whereas most broadcasts over digital will still be in the...
  20. SwiftBiscuit

    HDTV by 2007?

    Just as a note, it's unlikely that the European Parliament would allow the UK to make digital tuners mandatory in our TV sets (and who says we are an independent country?) but there is talk of having a tax break for them. Not that it's like Labour to have tax cuts on anything at the moment. The...