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  1. KoshN

    special Guest Star - ...........

    Garbaldo, :guffaw:
  2. KoshN

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    Oh, there's a name I haven't heard in ages, maybe not since my rastb5m (rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated) days.
  3. KoshN

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I work sooooo much that I don't get time to even power up and shutdown my laptop PC. My only day off is Tuesday, and most times I have to work at least part of it, too, and I work on-call. My last three calls to work were ASAP calls. I had to do use the laptop PC on Tuesday Oct. 12 to pay the...
  4. KoshN

    A thread about the future of B5TV

    :lol: That's a ringtone that I have assigned to my best friend from high school.
  5. KoshN

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    I just wish they'd reboot the Crusade story, without TNT interference. B5 is just fine as it is.
  6. KoshN

    Name Change

    Suzie Plakson, a hottie :D https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0686442/
  7. KoshN

    Shadows in Desert Storm?

    Since, sometimes the thumbnail doesn't come up, here's a cropped screencap (less than 600 x 600). From "Dogfights: Air Combat Transformed in Desert Storm"
  8. KoshN

    Shadows in Desert Storm?

    Check out the thumbnail for the video. ;) https://youtu.be/iU7Rw0lbycI
  9. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    You know who I picture as Waldo Butters in "The Dresden Files" books? Jimmy Palmer (Brian Dietzen) of NCIS. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1145177/ https://www.imdb.com/media/rm1967440129/nm1145177/ FWIW, I'm finally getting around to finishing "Skin Game" after putting is aside for so long.
  10. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    Hmm.... It's a PDF available for download. Got it. Thanks.:D
  11. KoshN

    Eureka - What a waste of time...

    I watched it all when it first came out and liked it.
  12. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    My Kindle and hardback versions of "Peace Talks" and "Battle Ground" are pre-ordered. :D
  13. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    I'm guessing that there will be some treachery involved and maybe some good ol' Harry "Fuego!" :D
  14. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    Drat! You beat me to it! I was just coming here to tell YOU. :rolleyes: Battle Ground (Dresden Files Book 17) Jim Butcher Releasing on September 29, 2020 Kindle Edition: $14.99 Hardcover: $21.97 You posted that in APRIL? Amazon just sent me the notice a few minutes ago.
  15. KoshN

    Why were space sci fi shows like B5 heavily stigmatized by the mainstream?

    Looney, superheroes are DEFINITELY fantasy, as well.
  16. KoshN

    Why were space sci fi shows like B5 heavily stigmatized by the mainstream?

    Stupidity and ignorance. Also, some people view anything THEY'RE not into, as ridiculous, worthless and silly.
  17. KoshN

    Future of B5 merchandise

    At this time, I wish I had a "Babylon 5" or Vorlon symbol bandana or face mask. ?
  18. KoshN

    Site issues - apologies

    Good point about B5LR.com. I remembered it but forgot to include that detail.
  19. KoshN

    Site issues - apologies

    Well, the AntonyF Join Date is March 31st, 2001, so I figured that was the start. ;) ;)
  20. KoshN

    Site issues - apologies

    Probably sometime in March 2001.