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  1. KoshN

    B5 returns (USA)

    FYI, on Dec. 13, 2018, I discovered that "Babylon 5" is airing at 12:00 PM ET on Comet WPNTDT3, 22.3, Pittsburgh, PA. Dec. 13 ep. was S4E6 "Into the Fire." B5 starts over with S1E1 "Midnight on the Firing Line" on 12/25/2018. #Babylon5 @straczynski https://t.co/6zQNKG61X2
  2. KoshN

    Has There Been Any News Re. The New B5 ~2016+~ Theatrical Movie?

    Any NEW news re. B5 projects from JMS at the 2015 SDCC (if that's happened yet.)?
  3. KoshN

    Has There Been Any News Re. The New B5 ~2016+~ Theatrical Movie?

    I'm on Twitter many times every day, but I'm almost never on Facebook.
  4. KoshN

    Has There Been Any News Re. The New B5 ~2016+~ Theatrical Movie?

    You can't edit the tweets in twitter, but you can delete them (trashcan symbol), and then put new tweets in their place, I copy the existing tweets to a new draft email in gmail (It's just a scratchpad area really.), delete the tweets, type the new tweet text in the email draft, go to the...
  5. KoshN

    Has There Been Any News Re. The New B5 ~2016+~ Theatrical Movie?

    Tweeted ~1 day ago. These tweets were in the thread: @B2Bspecialist @pinojo @straczynski Keep an eye on things at http://t.co/GLNyNSDJfD . I gave up on anything new & good in B5 universe. and @B2Bspecialist @pinojo @straczynski IMO, the last good thing in the B5 universe was B5:Crusade...
  6. KoshN

    Has There Been Any News Re. The New B5 ~2016+~ Theatrical Movie?

    I never was much interested* in the new B5 theatrical release (remake or reimagining) due to, IMO: Babylon 5 having been made well enough the first time. Too much time having passed in the real world (Sept. 1st will mark 16 years since the last ep. of Crusade first aired on TNT.). Too...
  7. KoshN

    WB considering HD update

    When it comes to Babylon 5, Crusade and most other Warner Brothers TV shows that I like (e.g. Brimstone), Warner Brothers is EXTREMELY tight. Warner Brothers is utterly HOPELESS. If they DID come out with Babylon 5 and/or Crusade on Blu-ray, it'd almost certainly be a half-assed release done...
  8. KoshN

    Mini update to B5Scrolls. For anyone who might have missed this.

    Speaking of which, I liked the shimmering effect used on the Drakh emissary in S4E11 "Lines of Communication."
  9. KoshN

    Mini update to B5Scrolls. For anyone who might have missed this.

    Good ol' N'Grath, met a sad end, off camera.
  10. KoshN

    B5 CCG... Anyone still playing this?

    Never did get into playing the the B5 CCG (or any CCG). Had quite a few B5 CCG cards, but sold them years ago.
  11. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    Amazon's reply:
  12. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    It turns out that the Dresden Files graphic novel "War Cry" is in 6 parts, and is coming out in hardback in December. #1, #2, and #4 are available in Kindle form, with #5 available for pre-order in Kindle form. I asked Amazon why #3 isn't available on Kindle but is available in softback, in an...
  13. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    Oops, I thought you were in-the-know on all things Dresden.
  14. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    Demonn, I just got The Dresden Files graphic novels "War Cry" #1, #2 and #4, and pre-ordered #5 (all Kindle) IS THERE A #3 ??? I didn't see it on Amazon.
  15. KoshN

    Crusade: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Re: Crusader: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Regarding the chess position, they undoubtedly don't think that anybody would pause the video to examine it. I used to play and I didn't bother. It was just background.
  16. KoshN

    Thirdspace - 1 Question

    Figure, less than a week after saying that I've never met a girl/woman who likes The Three Stooges, I meet one. Her favorite is Shemp.
  17. KoshN

    Thirdspace - 1 Question

    The Three Stooges, Laurel & Hardy, Abbott & Costello, what's not to like? ;) :D FWIW, I've never met a girl/woman who liked The Three Stooges. Must be a guy thing. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. OTOH, Reebo & Zooty? :wtf:
  18. KoshN

    Thirdspace - 1 Question

    Except for Paul Williams' comical reaction at the end of the 'sex' scene, I find the whole scene cringeworthy. I can barely force myself to watch Claudia's little song and dance number. Claudia has a lot of comedic moments in B5, but the sex scene isn't one of them. It's just painfully...
  19. KoshN

    How would you reboot B5?

    I'll be in the car, asleep. Wake me in 2016.
  20. KoshN

    The Dresden Files

    That's at the end of Season 2, where I am now. Part of why I like it is that Maine~Nova Scotia is one of my favorite areas, picturesque, great seafood, etc.. I like the show and the characters. I like the far northeast, New Hampshire, too. :D