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Search results

  1. Psi Cop

    Aborted Reboot

    I would be very happy for Rangers (JMS seems to hold them in high regard though I saw them as a minor storyline), Lost Tales (cheaply made and not really related to B5 story) and Crusade (too much like Star Trek for my liking and not much interest in the so-called arc of the series) to be erased...
  2. Psi Cop

    Season 1 hump....

    I love how the ships match each race's personality/features etc.
  3. Psi Cop

    Season 1 hump....

    Season 1 - Not enough of Mr Bester and friends! Season 4's Bester-Garibaldi and Season 5's Bester-Byron stories were the best. A close third is Londo's entire series journey.
  4. Psi Cop

    Season 1 hump....

    When I re-watch B5 I don't have time to go thru all 110 episodes and 5 movies but certainly Season 1 should NOT be skipped! There are so many ties in to later episodes and the arc. I usually start off with In The Beginning, not technically part of Season 1 but definitely a better starting point...
  5. Psi Cop

    Babylon 5: Ten Lost Tales that Sholud Be Found

    I feel that there is too much distrust between JMS and the studio for any more B5 to ever get made. But you never know....
  6. Psi Cop

    EpDis: Signs And Portents

    I don't get the title of the is poll. I'm assuming it means rating the episode. What does it mean by "favorite recurring character?" :confused:
  7. Psi Cop

    EpDis: Signs And Portents

    I agree that if Sinclair had remained the final episodes would have been WWE. It's amazing to see how the original story arc evolved particularly regarding actors leaving the show. I did however feel that some of the transition from Sinclair to Sheridan was a bit awkward, Sheridan taking on some...
  8. Psi Cop

    Babylon stations

    If the ISS blew up they might build a second but if that one went I reckon they'd give up...
  9. Psi Cop

    Telepath War

    I know they won't be filmed I just would have liked them to be!!! So much better than reading a book!! Might try and track down Legion of Fire trilogy just the same...
  10. Psi Cop

    Telepath War

    By disappointing I didn't mean that the movies were bad. As stories they were fine however apart from In The Beginning the movies didn't really add to or expand the story arc which for me was the best of the series. At the time I was expecting many of the story lines not resolved in the...
  11. Psi Cop

    Telepath War

    The script sounds great and probably should have been one of the TV movies made. IMO except for In The Beginning the movies were a disappointment. In know the books covered some of the arc but I like to see things resolved on screen. Also RIP Commander Sinclair and Emperor Turhan :(