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Search results

  1. G

    Most TV I ever watched in one day...

    Do you know how long I had Netflix before I noticed you could do that? :lol: Got an email yesterday saying that in June the price is going up.
  2. G

    Most TV I ever watched in one day...

    I did it all sitting on my ass. :p I have a 3 tray DVD player so if I really want to get lazy I could put in 3 DVD's at once and I wouldnt have to get up for hours. :lol:
  3. G

    Most TV I ever watched in one day...

    I have to admit though, when I was receiving the first season of 24 via Netflix, I watched each DVD and didnt stop until it was done. I almost killed myself when I had to report the last DVD missing and they had to send another. Longest days of my life. :p
  4. G

    Most TV I ever watched in one day...

    My longest tv viewing was back in about '93 when I watched the entire Robotech Macross Saga on vhs in one sitting. That was just over 10 hours of tv in a row.
  5. G

    Bruce Campbell and Bubba Ho Tep

    The DVD is suppose to come out on May 25th.
  6. G

    Bruce Campbell and Bubba Ho Tep

    I dont know if anyone here is familiar with this small indie picture, but I have to say...Go watch this movie. I went to a Film Festival in Ashland, Oregon last night and watched a screening. It is a very funny, well-acted movie. Bruce Campbell was on hand to introduce the film and also do a...
  7. G

    End of ST:TNG

    And he could talk in a really cool slick voice and walk around saying things like, "Spenca..."
  8. G

    Should he or shouldn't he?

    Re: Should he or shouldn\'t he? If anything I think it would be more interesting to bring back Kirk in terms of James T. Kirk's great grandfather or something along those line. Maybe see where JTK came from so to speak.
  9. G

    ST:DS9 Marathon

    I'll buy the DVD's someday when I have more money. I have a hard time buying dvd's of a tv show that is still being broadcast. I work all day Monday but I think I will tape it and watch them later. That would be a helluva lot of eps to watch. But now that Im single again, what else am I gonna...
  10. G

    ST:DS9 Marathon

    I'm pretty excited, starting next monday Spike TV is going to be showing DS9. I havent seen it since it ended. It's 7 hours of DS9 on Monday. Get your vcrs or Tivos ready. (For people like me who havent bought the DVD's) :p
  11. G

    End of ST:TNG

    Here is a quick article from IGN which states that Marina Sirtis has said, along with Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes; that there will not be any more Next Generation films. IGN
  12. G

    Andromeda on SCI FI

    I've seen this mini series before and I actually kind of liked it. I mean you can't go wrong with Rebecca Gayheart (Earth 2) and Luke Perry (Jeremiah). :p I have to admit, I dont watch the channel near as much as I use to either. Without Farscape on at a decent time or B5 I dont tune in. I've...
  13. G

    Star Wars IV, V & VI DVDs

    That was the only design I saw availabe on other websites as well. I was hoping for a bit more variety as I liked some of the other designs mentioned previously.
  14. G


    Times like this I wish I had HBO. :(
  15. G

    War of the Worlds remake

    I love the orignal move and even liked the tv series that was on for 2 or 3 seasons back in the late eighties. As for other remakes, I kind of liked the remake of The Time Machine but I really loved the original as well. But sometimes I think it goes a bit far. There are soo many movies...
  16. G

    Is it illegal / wrong to download TV-shows?

    As it was pointed out earlier, downloading of tv shows is not as noticeable as the downloading of music and movies. I can understand this. For each movie downloaded, this means a person or persons did not pay the 8 to 10 bucks to get into a theater to watch it. The same for cd's. But with...
  17. G

    Does anyone still buy video?

    i have to admit though, if it had not have been for some creative downloading, I would never have gotten to see Jeremiah last year. I dont have Showtime and cant really afford it but it sucks because now I cant watch season 2.
  18. G

    Another B5 actor sighting

    Just continuing this thread: I saw Gary Cole on an episode of Law and Order:SVU today on USA. He played a lawyer who's son was murdered then accused of rape. He defended a friend of his son's. Small role, but he's great in everything I've seen.
  19. G

    Does anyone still buy video?

    Much like cassette tapes...
  20. G

    Does anyone still buy video?

    Yeah thats true. Sometimes I just tape them even when I'm home so I can just read my book or go out, or just catch up on some sleep :p. It would be kinda cool to have TiVo or something, but I dont watch enough tv to warrant a purchase like that. And sometimes even if I did miss a show, in a...