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Search results

  1. G

    Face of the new Batman

    I'm looking forward to the new Batman movie. If you want to see the potential that Batman has, you need to check out Batman: Dead End. It was a short film made by a guy who worked for Stan Winston (the great FX guy who created the Alien, Predator, Terminator, pluse scores of others) and it...
  2. G

    The Experiment

    Its based on a classic sociological experiment. It's about roles and what happens when you assume them. I wont go into more detail because it might ruin the movie. But the experiment itself was pretty intense.
  3. G

    Face of the new Batman

    I don't know if anyone else is interested in this, but they just found the next actor to fill the spandex and cod piece...Christian Bale from American Pschyo. The New Batman
  4. G

    Firefly Movie

    I just read this piece of news this morning... Firefly Movie Confirmed
  5. G

    Got Popcorn?

    I just read this and thought I would pass it along..this would certainly make for a very long night at the movies. :p
  6. G

    The Dead Zone

    [Spoiler] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] Yeah, that's pretty much how the book ends as well. The novel has an underlying theme of free will. With his visions, should Johnny act upon them or not? Should he change the future because of the knowledge that he has? I always felt as if Johnny was put into...
  7. G

    The Dead Zone

    It's now officially confirmed that The Dead Zone has been picked up for a 3rd season. The Dead Zone
  8. G

    Adios Futurama

    LOL..oopps sorry..I really gotta double check my posts before hittin that little button. I have it on satellite and everything on it is from the east coast so everything is 3 hours early. So this is what lack of sleep does to the mind? :p
  9. G

    Adios Futurama

    I try to catch as many of the repeats as possible. Futurama is on Mon-Fri on The Cartoon Network, right after The Family Guy. 11pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern I think.
  10. G

    The Dead Zone

    I think it'll be back for another season. I think TDZ is one of USA's higher rated shows along with Monk and Peacekeepers (which I haven't watched yet). Sure it is a little predictable at times but I think they are doing a good job of trying to avoid the entire "vision of the week" formula...
  11. G

    3 B5 Stars in CONTACT

    Indeed it does. Sometime soon I'm going to purchase it on DVD. Contact is also one of my favorite books.
  12. G

    Convince me

    Or here's an alternative you could try; it's what I do. I'm a B5 fan but haven't bought any of the episodes on DVD or have them on VHS. I watch it on Sci Fi all the time. I just can't bring myself to spend that much yet. When the show is no longer airing on Sci Fi I'll buy it. But however...
  13. G

    Anyone else watching the spiderman series on MTV?

    The cartoon isn't that great but they are trying to tie it into the hot-selling Ultimate Spiderman comic book. The comic book is much much better than the cartoon. I recommend it to anyone who loves Spiderman, that and The Amazing Spiderman that JMS is writing as well and soon Kevin Smith will...
  14. G

    Anyone else watching the spiderman series on MTV?

    I've only caught a few episodes and this only because Brian Micheal Bendis is lending his hand to it. He is awsome..He's right up there with JMS in comics.
  15. G

    Japanese horror films

    I've seen a few Kurisowa films in the past but need to watch them again as I don't remember much about them. I watched them at a time when I couldn't really appreciate how well they are. And speaking of anime..I just got Robotech the Macross saga on DVD today and I've already watched the first...
  16. G

    Jeremiah postponed

    Damn that sucks..and I gotta check out Lyta's sight more frequently.
  17. G

    Adios Futurama

    Farscape is one I'll have to start getting soon. Who knows how long they will continue to run it on Sci Fi since now it's on just once a week instead of the 5 days. Plus I have seen a few of the episodes on DVD and love the commentary of both Ben and Claudia.
  18. G

    Freddy vs Jason

    You know what's crazy? I read the other day that they are already talking about a sequel to this movie. If it makes money they'll make another one but apparently it's rumored the next one will feature Ash from Evil Dead fighting the duo...As much as I love all 3 of those characters I have to...
  19. G

    Adios Futurama

    It's on channel 13 out of portland oregon, a UPN station, at 11pm.
  20. G

    Adios Futurama

    I've been going a little crazy with my dvd purchases the last month or so. I think I've bought about 15 or 20 of them so far. I must stop before I put myself into bankruptcy. The only is..(and I don't want to offend anyone) I can't bring myself to buy DVD's of a tv series if it is still on tv...