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  1. G

    Civil War movies

    Re: Civil War movies I liked The Postman but it was completely different than the book. Waterworld was ok and by that I mean I've seen it 3 times over the last few years. I still haven't gotten around to seeing Dances With Wolves. I loved Costner in Silverado, he just had that youthful...
  2. G

    Civil War movies

    Re: Civil War movies Some of my other favorite Civil War-era pictures are The Outlaw Josey Whales and The Beguiled, both with Clint Eastwood.
  3. G

    Civil War movies

    Re: Civil War movies I loved Gettysburg and have watched it a few times. I can't wait to see Gods & Generals. Andersonville is a pretty good flick. Was one of the made for TV films by TNT.
  4. G

    Firelfy DVD

    Instead of starting a new thread I thought I would just post this here. I just read this on Sci Fi Wire..regarding Whedon and the Firefly Movie. Whedon to write Firefly Movie
  5. G

    Jaded movie-goer

    Part of the reason I'm jaded is not in the quality of the movies but in the sense that you can find out about an entire movie and its plot (or lack there of) months before it hits the theaters. I remember a time when I wasn't even aware a movie was being made until I saw a preview for it on tv...
  6. G

    Firelfy DVD

    I just read on Aint it cool news that Firefly should be released on DVD on December 9th of this year with apparently 3 unaired episodes. Firelfly DVD News
  7. G

    New Gallactica star tells old series fans not to w

    Holy Frack and Felgercarb. That was one hell of an interview he gave. If only this could make Bonner Hammer see the error of her ways.
  8. G

    T3 Rise of the Machines (Spoilers)

    It is strange that a movie can be determined "good" because it didn't suck as badly as we had originally thought it would. IMOH I think waiting 12 years for this movie helped build some of my anticipation for the film. Maybe that explains his movie choices for the future. They are either...
  9. G

    T3 Rise of the Machines (Spoilers)

    Definately see the first 2 or some of the humor may be lost just a little, and of course the back story (as slim as it is :p). Earlier we were speaking of more Terminator movies and I just read that Nick Stahl aka John Connor is actually signed on for 2 more Terminator movies. No word on when...
  10. G

    T3 Rise of the Machines (Spoilers)

    I just watched T3 today and was prepared for the worst (no James Cameron attached) but I was pleasantly surprised. There was more humor than the previous two films. The special effects are great at showing how much a Terminator can withstand and what they are capable of doing. As for sequels...
  11. G

    Transformer Movie

    I read about this the other day. The movie is going to be live action set with the G1 Transformers. That's all I know.
  12. G

    New start date for S2

    Im subscribing to Showtime in July just for Jeremiah in August. There is one other show premiering either this month or next on Showtime I might check out. I can't remember the name off hand but it is about a girl how is killed and then becomes a Grim Reaper. Her job is to escort souls or...
  13. G

    I'm speachless: Sci-Fi's New Programing

    Re: I\'m speachless: Sci-Fi\'s New Programing I was living in Salem until 3 weeks ago, now I live in Eastern Oregon but the station comes from Portland on Comcast (use to be AT@T Cable) channel 13. I had to get the DishNetwork to get any decent stations out here. I've been trying for a month...
  14. G

    I'm speachless: Sci-Fi's New Programing

    Re: I\'m speachless: Sci-Fi\'s New Programing Im a lucky bastard, it's shown on UPN at 11pm in Oregon. I hate starting sentences this way but...maybe it's just me but does some of this new program remind anyone else of when SciFi first started up? They had alot of "news" and "reality"...
  15. G

    I will admit that I like one Reality show...

    I watched the Osbournes the first season ("anyone want a burrito?") but haven't caught any of the second. I really loved "The Surreal Life". Boy did my opinion change about Corey Feldman. I use to think he was so cool but after that episode.... One reality show I have a morbid fascination to...
  16. G

    Indy IV on its way

    I watched "Inside the Actor's Studio" on Bravo last week which featured Harrision Ford. At the end of the segment he was asked if there would be another Indiana Jones and he said yes. But of course he said it would have to be a great script, one all three agreed to but he said the hardest...
  17. G

    Dancing Hobbits

    Has anyone heard of or checked this out yet? They have an official website as well... Lord of the Rings Musical Official Website
  18. G

    Dancing Hobbits

    Has anyone heard of or checked this out yet? They have an official website as well... Lord of the Rings Musical Official Website
  19. G

    How many of IMDB's Top 50 SF movies have you seen?

    Re: How many of IMDB\'s Top 50 SF movies have you s Y Star Wars (1977) Y Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) Y Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Y Matrix, The (1999) Y 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Y Metropolis (1927) Y Alien (1979) Y...
  20. G

    How many of IMDB's Top 50 SF movies have you seen?

    Re: How many of IMDB\'s Top 50 SF movies have you s Y Star Wars (1977) Y Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) Y Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Y Matrix, The (1999) Y 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Y Metropolis (1927) Y Alien (1979) Y...