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Search results

  1. H

    Open Range (SPOILERS)

    *Given that he has had some really expensive flops (Waterworld and Postman) I can understand the hesitation of funders.* Umm, OK, point taken. :o
  2. H

    Sinclair's Pacifist Answer

    Re: Sinclair\'s Pacifist Answer Excellent points have been made already. I’ll only add that at the time he gave his answer, Sinclair (as well as the reporter, presumably) knew that Earth had already established colonies in other star systems (Proxima, Orion, etc.). This somewhat lessens the...
  3. H

    Open Range (SPOILERS)

    I bought the dvd last week and watched the extras this afternoon. What struck me in the face like a cold, wet towel was the difficulty Costner says he had in obtaining money and a distributor for this film. After seeing the finished product, I’m sure there were lots of people kicking...
  4. H

    Babylon 5 season 4

    I received my S4 from Amazon.com yesterday. First thing I did after opening the carton was to shake the set next to my ear. I heard nothing, which was a *good* sound. When I opened the box, I found that Disk 4 had come off of it's hub and attached itself neatly to the Disk 5 hub. So, no...
  5. H

    Well, if the Pope likes it...

    OK, I found an article on NewsMax, citing the Associated Press as its source, that the script is in Aramaic and Hebrew with English subtitles. I can live with that. :) When I was in college (a Benedictine Catholic school), we were required to take a minimum number of religious studies...
  6. H

    Well, if the Pope likes it...

    Oh, Hell...Where did I leave my Aramaic-to-English dictionary? Seriously, why would a director/producer release a film in the vernacular without subtitles? I would think doing so would drastically limit his box office numbers. And it's not like (gasp) French, which some people actually speak...
  7. H

    Well, if the Pope likes it...

    My Aramaic is pretty rusty, JJ. I'm hoping the film is subtitled at the theater. :lol: I'm also looking forward to seeing it, if only because so many people and groups don't want me to. :p
  8. H

    This time, I'm rootin' for the Cylons <g>

    Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g> You scared me with that one-word answer, Joe. For a minute there, you sounded like a Vorlon. (But you’ve reassured me with your “chicken-[expletive deleted]” post in another thread.) :) I noticed the attempted imitation of the Johnson...
  9. H

    This time, I'm rootin' for the Cylons <g>

    Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g> After seening Part II, my opinion is still the same: eye candy. I'm going to go way out on a limb and make a prediction. Owing to the outcry against "cute" and "goofy" in film these days (as in Jar Jar Binks), and the fact that we've only...
  10. H

    This time, I'm rootin' for the Cylons <g>

    Re: This time, I\'m rootin\' for the Cylons <g> I also missed the first few minutes because I couldn’t find SciFi. The local cable company is juggling their lineup, changing channel assignments, etc. So, I caught the opening sequence on the second go-round. I agree that it was forgettable...
  11. H

    Greetings from a Newbie

    Excellent signature line. Welcome aboard. Check your sanity at the door. ;)
  12. H

    Avatar question

    *premium members (ones who have, at some time, contributed to it somehow)* Hmm..That makes it sound like we did something vitally important, like finding a cure for cancer or perfecting a cold fusion engine for the 2004 Lexus. All I did was stick a crow bar in my wallet and fork over some...
  13. H

    HDTV by 2007?

    Wow! I cancelled my "basic" cable last year because there was never anything to watch, and it was only $40. I guess I was getting off cheaply. :eek:
  14. H

    updated Heinlin book

    PTen, As I recall, Heinlein himself made the cuts to the original because he felt they added nothing substantial to the overall storyline. I read the *unabridged* version several years ago and thought it was ok. I've never read the *short* version. Heinlein had stated that "Stranger" was not...
  15. H

    Is anyone else getting pissed off that...

    Yes, I am. But I think they're holding out for Christmas sales. :rolleyes:
  16. H

    Open Range

    Pillowrock: I got the impression when Boss was shot that he got hit in the side or gut, but later in the film he seemed to be favoring his arm. So your guess is as good as mine. :confused:
  17. H

    Gerry Doyle Interview

    I'll be lighting a candle and saying a few choice words to the Great Maker. That article was a ray of hope in our dark world. *fingers crossed*
  18. H

    Some general musings

    Interesting, about *And the Rock Cried Out.* I never connected the two episodes before, but JMS placed some foreshadowing for ATRCO in *Dust to Dust.* (The dust patient brought into medlab was screaming about the mountain falling on him, which makes more sense after reading the Bible passages...
  19. H

    Premium memberships

    Hypatia: Biggles was the bringer of the soft cushions. :o JJ: Have you been watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure again? :eek:
  20. H

    Premium memberships

    Doh! I humbly beg forgiveness from all Python fans everywhere. :o I looked it up, and it was Fang, not Biggles, who *fetched the comfy chair.*