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Search results

  1. H

    Am I the only one...

    GKE wrote: *I'm such a dork.* Hey, lighten up. Some women like that. Thank God my GF does. :lol:
  2. H

    What did Marcus mean?

    Really, there was no other way for a Marcus-Ivanova romance to end. She was Russian, after all. Dostoevsky, anyone?
  3. H

    Am I the only one...

    I concur with GKE. Effects = Eye Candy Storyline = Brain Food
  4. H

    San Deigo attack

    Derian wrote: *What's a Phonecian?* Phoenicians were a seafaring confederation of city-states situated along the eastern coastal region of the Mediterranean Sea, of course. They were noted for their commerce and naval capabilities. They were eventually subjugated in the 3rd century B.C. by...
  5. H

    What did Marcus mean?

    Exactly. Marcus' puppy-dog eyes for Ivanova were quite obvious, I thought.
  6. H

    G'kar's Family

    Re: G\'kar\'s Family G'Kar relates the story of his father's death and his own beginnings in the Narn resistance during the interview with Cynthia Torqueman in *And Now For A Word.* We meet G'Kar's uncle, War Leader G'Sten, in *The Long, Twilight Struggle.* Both episodes are on the S2 DVDs...
  7. H

    My review of the Babylon 5 Season 2 DVD Box Set

    Re: My review of the Babylon 5 Season 2 DVD Box Se Lyta wrote: *The actor commentary got a little tedious after a while since all they did was goof off and pick on each other's looks. They didn't really offer much in regards to insight to the show or information about the characters.* I'm glad...
  8. H

    Its DVD Day!

    I got the email from Amazon confirming shipment on the 29th. Lo and behold, when I got home from work yesterday, April 30th, there was my S2 set waiting for me. Great Maker bless Amazon.com. :D Oh, and all the discs arrived still attached snugly to their plastic hubs. :cool:
  9. H

    Greatest Lightsaber Duel

    Can I vote twice? That's a tough choice, actually. I selected the 2-on-1 from Phantom Menace, simply because I thought Darth Maul's double lightsaber was cool. I *wanted* to vote for Luke vs Vader on Bespin: *Impressive...Most impressive. But you are not a Jedi, yet.*
  10. H

    Great lines

    True enough, KoshN. However, the Vorlon's would never have risked damage to the station while Sinclair was aboard...For obvious reasons.
  11. H

    Favorite Forums?

    I notice that we can select favorite *threads,* but not favorite *forums.* Is this the final configuration, or will we be able to select favorite forums at some later date? Otherwise, the new digs look very cool.
  12. H


    All of us on this board, at one time or another, have complained about the poor quality of television. The answer is simple: There are over two thousand of us on this board alone. What we all need to do is chip in and purchase a cable tv franchise, which we then market as a "real" sci fi...
  13. H

    Starship Troopers sequel

    From a Fox News story: *Jack Valenti of the Motion Picture Association told (Bill) O'Reilly that Hollywood is making strides in improving the quality of its films. "When you make 600 movies a year, we don't have enough creative people of high quality to make 600 good movies," he said. "We're...
  14. H

    Starship Troopers sequel

    Those of you who claim that the acting was overdone on purpose and the movie was *planned* as a satire are deluding yourselves that Hollywood has a clue. The movie has almost nothing in common with the book, and Heinlein has been spinning in his grave over that film. God rest his soul, and...
  15. H

    a sinking feeling

    Sinclair wrote: *Hell, I mean there are some people that thought Powder was a terrible movie.* You mean, people actually watched Powder??
  16. H

    Poll: Best B5 Character Death Scene

    I voted for Refa, for the reasons already mentioned by others. I was tempted to vote for Byron. But, in the end, his death was disappointing. It wasn't horrid and gruesome enough for me. (Can you tell I didn't like his character?)
  17. H

    B5 / ST:DS9 pissing contest on Amazon.

    Very cool. You could have avoided arrest by the stormtroopers if you'd have used your Jedi mind trick.
  18. H

    What's in a Wing

    Re: What\'s in a Wing KF wrote: *Now, most of the time Ivanova was a Lt. Commander, Sinclair was on station. Would correct protocol still be to address them both as commander, which might lead to confusion?* In the real world, *correct* protocol dictates that both would be addressed verbally...
  19. H

    What's in a Wing

    Re: What\'s in a Wing Having spent a number of years in the military, I found that one of the big things I had to do in order to enjoy B5 was to suspend my credulity regarding military terminology, rank structure, etc. Hollywood just never does get it right. Ever. Every time someone would...
  20. H

    Amazon.com's Editorial of S2

    Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2 Acknowleding the universally known fact that Ivanova is God, I must nevertheless ask... Exactly which photo is the *homely* Ivanova, KoshN??? Sorry to take this off topic, but I think Laurel Takashima had a waaay nicer butt.