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Search results

  1. H

    S2 DVD link, Antony?

    I placed my pre-order a few minutes ago. Just doing my part to help out the franchise. Is it April, yet? (Checks calendar AGAIN.)
  2. H

    100 Greatest Movie Villains

    I am troubled that Amon Goeth (#14 of 100) appeared on the list, since his character in Schindler's List was a real person. What bothers me is that some audience members without a proper grounding in history might believe that his was a character contrived for the movie, or perhaps cobbled...
  3. H

    Universal Translator

    *Q: How do yo utell an American in America? A: He doesn't speak a foreign language at all and speaks English poorly.* Well, it's not really a joke, is it? It's so true it hurts. I had a physics prof in college who was an Egyptian. Her English was surprisingly quite correct, though she spoke...
  4. H

    in the beginning question (spoilers)

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't one of the plotlines of the S1 ep. *Eyes* deal with who was or was not on this *list*? I seem to recall that the special intelligence officer (who's name escapes me at the moment - ben Zayne?) was feeling *left out* of the list and was taking his pound of...
  5. H

    JMS speaks on features for season 2 & 3 DVD's.

    Re: JMS speaks on features for season 2 & 3 DVD\'s. *Why is it that with B5 fans the glass is always half-empty, and the sky perpetually falling?* 'Cause, Joe, there's a little bit of Ivanova in all of us!