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  1. F

    LOST Season 2 Premiere tonight at 9pm

    It definitely seemed like it was part of the preview to me (not just the actor talking about next week's show). No accent? I don't think the idea is that he just learned English from being on the island or anything, but rather that he knew English all along (like his wife). I imagine next...
  2. F

    LOST Season 2 Premiere tonight at 9pm

    So am I the only one that thought Anna-Lucia and the other people with her were supposed to be "sick"?
  3. F

    LOST Season 2 Premiere tonight at 9pm

    I was thinking about that too. Also keep in mind that there was no handle on the outside of the hatch. Seems to lend to the idea that the "quarantine" label was a warning to the people INSIDE the hatch, not vice versa.
  4. F

    LOST Season 2 Premiere tonight at 9pm

    Well, what'd everyone think? Certainly not the direction the show looked like it was going early in season 1, but have to admit I can't wait to find out what happens next. One thing that struck me as odd (SEMI-SPOILER ALERT) was that they didn't show the raft people at all in this episode...
  5. F

    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) I'm not buying the whole "tragic ending" thing. The kid earlier said he just wanted to dump them on mom so he could just worry about saving himself, but by the time they were to Boston the war was over so he didn't have to worry about "saving" anyone at that...
  6. F

    JMS signed on to a new ST series??

    An announcement has already been made that it was a Marvel Comic series he'll be doing. I suppose we should mention that at the end of this thread ;).
  7. F

    AFI's 100 movie quotes

    Re: AFI\'s 100 movie quotes Or for that matter, "Luke, I am your father."
  8. F

    AFI's 100 movie quotes

    Re: AFI\'s 100 movie quotes "You can't handle the truth!"
  9. F

    JMS signed on to a new Marvel series

    Re: JMS signed on to a new Marvel series Bleh, certainly nothing compared to him being signed on a SW/ST series IMO.
  10. F

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) I tend to agree with the sentiments here that Anakin's turn was both too quick and a complete copout. Essentially it boiled down to "save me to save your wife". Bleh. What about anger, jealousy, hate, etc? I saw on the previews the scene of...
  11. F

    'Lost' Season 1 Finale (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Lost\' Season 1 Finale (Spoilers) I really wish the spoilers had been posted in a seperate thread. I was digging the lost discussion but I don't want to have stuff from next season spoiled so I've avoided the last 25 or so posts :(
  12. F

    'Lost' Season 1 Finale (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Lost\' Season 1 Finale (Spoilers) Another thing that I think is getting lost in this is the fate of Michael, Jin, and Sawyer. I guess since it didn't get all that much attention that the writers are going to have them survive somehow, but it's hard enough to survive a gunshot wound...
  13. F

    'Lost' Season 1 Finale (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Lost\' Season 1 Finale (Spoilers) Where are you guys getting the notion that the guys on the boat were "the others." The others have presumably been on the island a long time if they were there when Danielle arrived 16 years ago, yet these guys on the boat were out in the middle of the...
  14. F

    'Lost' Season 1 Finale (Spoilers)

    \'Lost\' Season 1 Finale (Spoilers) Good episode, though it didn't really answer any questions. I guessed the end of the season weeks ago, I knew they'd leave us hanging:
  15. F

    Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOILERS!

    Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL SFX--Great Story--Bleh If you see it see it in the theatre, the graphics are the best part far and away.
  16. F

    Lost - 2 Hour Pre-Finale (Spoilers)

    I thought the person on the other end said "There were no survivors of Flight 915"
  17. F

    'Lost': Born to Run (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Lost\': Nowhere to Run (Spoilers) I've got the end of next week's episode all figured out. Last scene, hatch opens to a black screen, end of season. That would fit right in with how things have been going.
  18. F

    LOST - The Greater Good *SPOILERS*

    Yeah but Ethan was crazy jungle bad guy, while people were angry at Locke, the situations between he and Ethan were very very different.
  19. F

    LOST - The Greater Good *SPOILERS*

    Ya know, I've always thought that shows and movies were too reluctant to kill off main characters, citing how much it could really add to the story. It wasn't until tonight's episode after seeing the previews that involved Locke getting "shot" that I realized that there have only been two shows...
  20. F

    Lost: "Do No Harm" - Episode 20 (spoilers)

    Re: Lost: \"Do No Harm\" - Episode 20 (spoilers) Sawyer actually may be my favorite character, he provides some good subtle comic relief in a couple episodes. As for this episode, every single episode doesn't have to have a plot twist, and I thought this one was well put together. It was odd...