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  1. F

    Re-watching Crusade

    How can you people like that music? It was just completely out of place. It sounded like tropical island music in deep dark space. It did the worst job of properly setting the mood I've ever seen out of a TV show or film. B5, now that had great music.
  2. F

    Is "Lost" new tonight or a rerun?

    Is \"Lost\" new tonight or a rerun? Anyone know if "Lost" is going to be airing a new episode tonight (Feb 9th), or is it gonna be another rerun? I was gonna go scout a local intramural football game if it's a rerun, but if it's new I'll hang in because, well I'm addicted ;).
  3. F

    A newbie's journey

    Re: A newbie\'s journey I can't believe I just read all of that. I hope he takes the time to watch In the Beginning, especially since he commented on being dissappointed on never seeing the Londo/G'Kar death scene followed up on.
  4. F

    Lost: Hearts And Minds (Spoilers)

    Oh yeah, and maybe I just missed this (though I'm pretty sure I've read all the Lost threads), but isn't the guy who plays Jin from Crusade?
  5. F

    Lost: Hearts And Minds (Spoilers)

    General feelings about the episode: I've always kind of hated Shannon as a character (minus her looks of course). A helpless snob that just gets in the way. She really is, as Boone put it, "worthless." I couldn't have been happier to see her die. I couldn't have been more dissappointed to...
  6. F

    Claudia Christian interview

    Some interesting stuff on there. Apparently the whole Talia/Ivanova "relationship" was something CC mentioned in passing that ended up in the script. She also confirmed that it in fact was meant to be a sexual tension type thing and not just a friendship, as she described reading the script...
  7. F

    Fighting For Original Cast: What Else Might Help?

    Re: Fighting For Original Cast: What Else Might H Honestly I think I would've liked Crusade A LOT more with better music, and I don't know that I'd like B5 as over-the-top much as I do now if the music were bad. I guess that's just something that's important to me. As for the suggestions as...
  8. F

    Fighting For Original Cast: What Else Might Help?

    Re: Fighting For Original Cast: What Else Might H Haven't heard anything about Chris Franke either. That's almost as important to me as the casting. Though in a way I guess since this plot is supposedly rumored to be tieing up the Crusade story line, and he didn't do the music for Crusade...
  9. F

    Lost: Whatever The Case May Be (Spoilers)

    I really liked this episode. I thought Sawyer was great in this episode, made some of his lines pretty funny. I also liked Kate's back-story alot, lots of plot twists. From what I can recall, all we knew about Kate's backstory before this was that she was in custody on the plane, with no real...
  10. F

    Crusade -- "War Zone"

    Re: Crusade -- \"War Zone\" Well, I just watched the 2nd episode and I must agree it was MUCH better. I'm still a little worried though that the only reason I liked it so much better was that it focused around Gideon and Galen, and the rest of the actors seem to me to be the ones that are...
  11. F

    Crusade -- "War Zone"

    Crusade -- \"War Zone\" I know there's a Crusade DVD's thread, but I've only seen one episode in the series so I'd rather not have to sift through there and risk having something spoiled for me, so please bear with me. My Crusade DVD's finally came in and I just got finished watching the first...
  12. F

    Tracking the campaign against recasting

    I just found 23 cents under the couch cushion, so count me in ;)
  13. F

    He's BAAAAaaaaaccckkk!

    Re: He\'s BAAAAaaaaaccckkk! Agreed 100%. As soon as I saw all the recent news I lost alot of interest in the film anyhow, since I never really was nearly as much of a fan of Crusade and the whole Technomage thing as I was of the original B5.
  14. F

    uh-oh....this doesn't sound good.

    Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good. Finally, my two favorite things unite into one :cool: :D :eek: :lol:
  15. F

    The Arrogant Sheridan

    I was always under the impression that Sheridan was intentionally characterized to be arrogant. Wasn't it the list of top Sci-Fi characters that described Sheridan as "Babylon 5's perfectly-flawed hero" when it listed him?
  16. F

    EpDis: Deathwalker

    So they were willing to kill entire planets with billions of people on them just to get to one person (Centauri Prime for Londo among others), so I don't think that would be something they were concerned with.
  17. F

    EpDis: Deathwalker

    This doesn't really fit with the rest of the story. If the Vorlons could make a sun go Nova, why would they even bother making the giant planet killers later in the series, when they could just nova the star of that planet?
  18. F

    Mira To Be On 'LOST'

    Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\' Well, what'd you guys think? As soon as I heard her voice when you couldn't see her face it brought a refreshing feeling to mind. Although from the ending, it doesn't appear that she'll be a regular on the show by any means. Thoughts?
  19. F

    EpDis: And The Sky Full Of Stars

    This episode finally seemed to be bringing in the whole major plotline, and I really enjoyed it. I gave it a "B", just because it's hard to narrow these episodes down to one of 5 grades when a couple of them were just so great. I feel this episode was "A" quality, but I have to leave some...
  20. F

    Evolving to light...

    Throughout the series, Vorlons were portrayed as beings of light when out of their encounter suit. I always considered this to be something unique to the Vorlons until I saw the B5 movie "River of Souls." In this movie, soulhunters mistakenly capture the souls of an entire race, thinking the...