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  1. Cell

    Terminator: The S. Connor Chronicles

    Wasn't the name of the actor that he killed Cromartie, hence he took over his name upon taking over his image.
  2. Cell

    EpDis: The Long Dark

  3. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    I figured the sizes were a little bit different, but not so much as to be an extreme difference, although I'm no expert on clothes sizes for women from 1959. This makes me remember a quote from Elizabeth Hurley where she called Monroe a fat cow and said she would have killed herself if she was...
  4. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Some Like It Hot (1959) There are some moments that just aren't funny, cutting or ingenious, but they are few and far between. Like all comedies this comes down to personal taste, it's not raunchy, it's not overly simple. It is very smart while at the same time being very base and appealing to...
  5. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    The one good thing that has come out of my anal retentiveness is that I've spent the last few years actually cataloging all the movies I watch and rewatching older movies so that I could properly catalog them. It's not like it's a concrete list, and it's not like the ratings are actually all...
  6. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Roman Holiday (1953) I really liked the non-Hollywood ending. It doesn't matter if they may have feelings for each other, they can't be together and that's why he walks away alone. I also liked how Princess Anna yearned to be able to do things like wash clothes, cook dinner, vacuum, etc...
  7. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    There's a difference between what you are saying and what I am saying, probably because of my choice of words. In Memento the narrative doesn't move the way it should for the type of movie Nolan tried to construct, that is what I mean by flow naturally. The fact that the protagonists vision is...
  8. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    I had no problem at all with the romance between Norton and Biel in The Illusionist, nor with Biel's acting, she played that role to near perfection. As for the rest of Nolan's work. Insomnia is good, but it both overreaches and is afraid to take the content to the next level. The original is...
  9. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    We are in the same, very small boat my friend. I loved The Illusionist, if not for Pan's Labyrinth it would have been my MOTY for 2006. It's such a well crafted movie, and it, unlike The Prestige, knows how to use its twist. In The Illusionist the twist isn't even the point, it's the journey of...
  10. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    The Prestige (2006) I don't care, I just don't care. That's the main problem with this movie, in the end I have no reason at all to care. I don't care about the setting, I don't care about any of the characters, I don't care about what happens to any of the characters, and I don't care about...
  11. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    The Replacements (2000) This was fun, completely predictable and cliche, but fun, and that's all there is to it really. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004) Breathtaking movie. It had such symmetry to it, the first act connected to the last act, and so on and so on. The writing was...
  12. Cell

    EpDis: A Distant Star

  13. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Nope, just the regular 2D version, but I have heard good things about the 3D version as well.
  14. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Bolt (2008) Great movie, it was simply stated in parts, intelligent throughout, funny, had some really great voice acting and a story that worked on many different levels. What surprised me the most was how crisp and clean the animation was, I think Pixar has spoiled me to the point where I...
  15. Cell

    Just Finished - Dark Genesis: The Birth of the PSI Corps

    I enjoyed DG, but much like To Dream In The City Of Sorrows it suffered because it was both dry, and a collection of events as opposed to an actual book with a plot. I really liked all the ancestral call backs with the teeps, and I liked the various moments in history we were shown. It was a...
  16. Cell

    EpDis: GROPOS

    I know exactly what an NCO is, and based on the fact that for the most part EF appears to operate under the same ranks as the present day US Armed Forces, Garibaldi would actually be a commissioned officer since he is the Chief Warrant Officer on B5. In the US Armed Forces a chief warrant...
  17. Cell

    EpDis: GROPOS

    He wears the uniform of an EF Officer, as the chief warrant officer he is a part of the chain of command. While B5's chain of command may be murky, it is never in question that Garibaldi is an officer in EF and that he is answerable to all the same military protocol as any other officer.
  18. Cell

    EpDis: GROPOS

    Having just watched this episode, Garibaldi is an officer in EarthForce, if a General gives him an order he will follow it and they are well within their right to do so. Look back at the episode Eyes, he has to answer to the orders given to him by a Colonel because Garibaldi falls into the...
  19. Cell

    EpDis: The Geometry Of Shadows

    My review, http://worldsoforos.com/secondviews/2008/11/16/review-babylon-5-203/
  20. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    I greatly enjoyed series 1, but I wasn't as impressed with series 2. It was still a lot of fun, and I still enjoyed it and I will watch the third series when that comes, but I thought there were too many, "that would never happen" moments in the second series and I wasn't all that interested in...