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  1. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Jubei Ninpucho (Ninja Scroll, 1993) This is one of the best anime I've ever seen and easily one of the most brutal movies I've ever seen, but it handles the brutality in quite the fine fashion. Here's the link to my review, with more in-depth thoughts...
  2. Cell

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    Like I said earlier, don't agree with that in the slightest.
  3. Cell

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    I don't agree with that at all, the little snippets from his mentor along with the various revelations that Cruise has along the way make that ending true from his part, but it's still very schmaltzy.
  4. Cell

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    Jerry Maguire (1996) I will readily admit to being a fan of Tom Cruise as an actor, and films like this are why. When you strip away the mans religion or politics and look at him simply as an actor, you are left with a man that shows range in a wide variety of roles and someone that is willing...
  5. Cell

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    It wasn't easy, trust me, and I followed it right up with The Purple heart, and that was a chore to stay awake during.
  6. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    The Final Cut (2004) An interesting premise, but ultimately a very flawed and distant movie. When Robin Williams plays the role as a complete loner you need others to bring you into the movie, and The Final Cut has no one that is willing to do that. Every actor in The Final Cut plays their part...
  7. Cell

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    Le Scaphandre Et Le Papillon (The Diving Bell And The Butterfly) (2007) I realize this was a big foreign hit last year, but I really don't see it. The narrative is all kinds of messed up. The idea of him only seeing events through his eye is rather innovative, but story wise it appears to...
  8. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Eastern Promises (2007) Wow, what a movie. I once lauded No Country For Old Men for it's portrayal of ultimate evil and claimed it to be the movie of the year for 2007. That has now changed thanks to Eastern Promises, because it presents something worse than ultimate evil, someone who may or...
  9. Cell

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    I have yet to see Amistad, some day I will, but who knows when.
  10. Cell

    Terminator: The S. Connor Chronicles

    Surprisingly enough Fox decided to back the show and has green lighted a full second season run. I've quite enjoyed the second season, and hopefully this will allow the writers and producers to tighten some things up and allow them to make a connection with more of an audience.
  11. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Platoon (1986) --Not so much an anti-war film as most people have pegged it, but rather a story of a group of soldiers and how the war affects each of them in different ways. It is shot in a very awkward style, but it is a style that fits the tone and mood of the movie. The acting was superb all...
  12. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    The River Wild (1994) It's a little heavy on the cliches, and they take the easy route far too often when it comes to moving the plot forward. But, it's still a very fun movie with some beautiful cinematography. I'm also a fan of Kevin Bacon as the subtle psycho, he's quite brilliant in that...
  13. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Never quite understood why I have that rep (it's not just here, it's everywhere), I like a lot of stuff, I just happen to be critical of what I watch. Oh well... For some of them it is, such as Miller's Crossing and Singin' In The Rain. I've been spending most of my free time lately watching a...
  14. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Singin' In The Rain (1952) --The template for what a musical should be. If not for one completely unnecessary Broadway number that slows the movie down near the end this would be a masterpiece of cinema. As is, it's a great movie that shows how well musicals can work when they play naturally...
  15. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    It did, but it didn't. the comic nerd in me picked up on who Samuel L. Jackson might be the moment he started talking about how Bruce Willis was unbreakable and related that to comics. I knew right then and there that Jackson was his exact opposite in every way, but I didn't see the evil...
  16. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Lilo & Stitch (2002) --The forgotten Disney film as I like to call it, because it was made during the Pixar era, is great, but isn't a Pixar film. There's so much to love about this film, form the clean and crisp animation, to the colorful usage of Elvis Presley songs, the way the humor is...
  17. Cell

    Internet Short - w/ Nathan Fillion

    Gunn is very underrated, well maybe not underrated, but unknown. His screenplay update of Dawn Of The Dead was quite good and Slither was very entertaining. I've always meant to see Lollilove, I'm a fan of anything Fischer, but I've never gotten around to seeing it.
  18. Cell

    Crusade: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    The protagonists in B5 and Crusade are completely different. On B5 you had dignitaries, politicians and soldiers that were at the crux of every issue and their actions shaped the entire universe. The cast of Crusade is much smaller, they aren't world shapers, the world doesn't change because of...
  19. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Another movie I liked a lot that the rest of the public didn't care for all that much, but I had a blast watching it and thought it really delivered for the type of movie that it wanted to be. Either way, here's my review, Cloverfield (2008)...
  20. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    My Name Is Earl - I've been with this show from the beginning, and while I still enjoy it I do feel it has been losing steam for around a season or so and it doesn't look to get back into season 1-2 form anytime soon. It's still funny, but the problem now is that there's more not funny than...