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  1. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    But, you get the awesomeness of
  2. Cell

    Fringe (possible spoilers)

    Not really, because that type of character has been around in fantasy/sic-fi for quite some time, dating back to the classic fairy tales. I think the comparison is there, but not so much with X-Files as with the fact that they used a basic archetype character, and I didn't have much of a problem...
  3. Cell

    True Blood

    I do believe that Entourage has started, it premiered either the same night or a week before True Blood did. I was never able to get into Entourage though, it just never appealed to me.
  4. Cell

    True Blood

    HBO can push this as their marquee show all they want, but as long as Curb Your Enthusiasm is still around (it comes back in the middle of 2009) then that is their marquee show and they still have at least one great show left.
  5. Cell

    EpDis: The Quality Of Mercy

  6. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    I like Chuck a lot, hopefully I will have my Tivo before it debuts, because I like Terminator even more, so I would watch it and skip Chuck if I had to. Supernatural is a show I really want to get into, I've liked what little I have seen and I've heard good things about it, but I refuse to get...
  7. Cell

    True Blood

    I like lots of stuff actually, and I've liked True Blood enough to go back for the third episode. I just happen to be critical of what I watch, but that doesn't mean I don't like all kinds of shows or movies.
  8. Cell

    True Blood

    This week was a little better, but still not a good show by any means. I really wasn't a fan of the effects used for Bill in action, and I find the Sam/dog thing to be both really obvious and far too over the top for my liking, werewolves are alright, but I don't like people turning into dogs...
  9. Cell


    Re: New Joss Whedon show Actually with the new heads at Fox, yeah it is. They have stuck with Terminator for a year and a half now despite it not getting tremendous ratings, and they have actually been really supportive of Dollhouse, and have tossed all of their weight behind Fringe.
  10. Cell


    Re: New Joss Whedon show Once again, if it was just one of the sides seeing a problem with it then it might not be a problem. However this time Joss initially stopped production both because he wasn't happy with the product and because the people he showed it to didn't like it. Now he's had a...
  11. Cell


    Quite the awesome series 1 finale, I really didn't see any of the twists coming and they really worked. This was a show that I merely liked at first, but it really grew on me week by week into a show that I considered well worth making sure to check out, and I'm really looking forward to the...
  12. Cell


    Re: New Joss Whedon show I'd agree with that usually, but in this case the creator himself stopped production the first time because he wasn't happy with the product. Not in this case, no, there's really nothing at all to view as positive about this situation, unless you're a Hollywood spinster.
  13. Cell


    Re: New Joss Whedon show That's just the Whedon fan in you talking. I fail to see why someone shouldn't doubt a show that is going on stoppage number three where there are published reports that the network isn't happy with what they've seen so far and that Joss himself wasn't happy with...
  14. Cell

    Crusade: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Re: Crusader: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly I actually quite enjoyed Crusade, and when watched in the correct order I'd put it at the same level as B5 seasons 2 and three, above 1 and 5, but below 4. I thought the cast was terrific, and I liked the more introspective thinking feel that the...
  15. Cell

    EpDis: Babylon Squared

  16. Cell


    Re: New Joss Whedon show I'm referring to the most recent work stoppage. There have been reports that it was because Joss directed the first two eps and needed time to work on the upcoming scripts, but there have also been reports that the people at Fox were not happy with the direction the...
  17. Cell


    Re: New Joss Whedon show I hope that all ends up being true because I want the show to be good, but there have also been industry reports that production was halted this time because Fox wasn't happy with the direction the show was taking. All of this adds up to be a very bad omen in my eyes as...
  18. Cell


    Re: New Joss Whedon show So, is anyone else here both worried that this show has any future and that it will be any good? I know that Whedon, the studio, and all the Whedon fans are trying to rationalize yet another production stoppage, but things do not look good. The pilot already had to be...
  19. Cell

    Fringe (possible spoilers)

    I liked it even if it was a rather pedestrian offering in terms of predictability within the plot, twists and such.
  20. Cell

    EpDis: A Voice In The Wilderness Part 2
