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  1. Cell

    True Blood

    I'm indifferent with the opener. It felt really disjointed and like it didn't know what it wanted to be. At some points it appeared to want to be more of a gonzo type show, with imagery and scenes merely meant to shock the audience, and at others it appeared to want to be some sort of...
  2. Cell


    I've never seen Druids and I only once saw Highlander 2 when I was pretty young, so I can't really comment. If I had to compare it to anything ti would be a low rent 13th Warrior. The same conceptual idea, just not executed well and really, really sucking.
  3. Cell


    I don't think Clancy Brown has ever had a role where I didn't like him. He even managed to make the completely terrible Pathfinder fun for a bit.
  4. Cell

    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    You can't judge Trek against any other sci-fi that is produced for TV budget wise because it is its own beast, the entertainment industry treats it as such and so do consumers. Trek is viewed as thee franchise so it will always be given oodles more money to work with than any other sci-fi...
  5. Cell

    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    The thing is, Trek is not the majority of sci-fi, I even stated that in a post I deleted when I decided this wasn't an issue worth arguing about. But, for the record, Trek is not the majority of sci-fi on TV when it comes to budget, that should be obvious to anyone. That's all I have to say...
  6. Cell


    If you are really enjoying Carnivale then I would suggest checking out Twin Peaks at some point. While a lot of people point to B5 as the show that changed genre TV, that honor really belongs to Twin Peaks. It was the first show, on network TV mind you, to go away from the episodic formula and...
  7. Cell

    EpDis: A Voice In The Wilderness Part 1

  8. Cell

    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    Yes, and one million per episode is clearly a pittance. :rolleyes: It's amazing to me sometimes how B5 fans seem to live in some sort of isolated bubble world where they don't realize that the majority of sci-fi TV is made on that exact type of budget, and they are not the exception. It also...
  9. Cell

    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    There's really no need for me to address your points section by section, except for to say that I completely disagree with your reasoning behind why TLT was bad. It wasn't bad because of a lack of money or resources, it was bad because it was helmed by a man who apparently can only create a good...
  10. Cell

    EpDis: Legacies

  11. Cell


    That would be Lonnigan, Texas.
  12. Cell

    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    Well, there are the two B5 episodes themselves, Comes The Inquisitor and Intersections In Real Time, that provide the best example for my point since they were done by JMS himself. Other examples would include something like The Man From Earth, as well as any number of zombie movies that are low...
  13. Cell

    EpDis: Eyes

  14. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Arrested Development, Season 2 A sly and coy comedy, it's a shame that this show was never given a chance to succeed. Outside of The Office (US version)I don't think there's been a comedy in the last 20 years where the writing was so sharp and smart and the actors had such a natural chemistry...
  15. Cell

    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    I'm not one of those people. I knew beforehand all the sets were gone, and the sets aren't the point. The point is that even if those sets had been around the story that JMS tried to tell in TLT was a weak one, that's why it didn't work. The sets have next to nothing to do with the story that...
  16. Cell

    What are you watching now?

    Season 2 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, followed by the third season a little later. Hilarious show, something I should have checked out from the beginning, but didn't.
  17. Cell

    Best new show this year: Journeyman ?

    Journeyman is one of those shows that I'm upset I missed. I love the main actor, Kevin McKidd, I like the idea behind it, and I heard great things about it, but I probably won't see it until years from now when they finally release it on DVD.
  18. Cell

    EpDis: Grail

  19. Cell

    Contradictory characters

    I agree with that, except in the case of learning Curve where her character completely regressed from everything she had become before, and then it was forgotten at the end of the episode. The one thing about Delenn's character that never really changed was her belief that her rigidness and...
  20. Cell

    Contradictory characters

    I think there are some out of character moments on B5, I'm particularly distressed by Delenn in season 5's Learning Curve where she regresses as a character right before our eyes and then all of a sudden the next episode she's back to the Delenn from the first four seasons. However I don't...