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  1. hypatia

    In Memory Still Bright: Mira Furlan

    Imagine where we might be if we could someone stop putting so much money into warfare, and diverted it to better things. Cancer is a tough one to cure, since it means so many different things (more like a group of diseases than a single disease). West Nile has been around for ages, but doesn’t...
  2. hypatia

    In Memory Still Bright: Mira Furlan

    I think a lot of us were shocked that she so suddenly left us. She was an amazing woman and actress, may she inspire many more like her to raise up and make some noise.
  3. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I saw an interview with him and apparently the makeup is not just uncomfortable, it’s very damaging to your skin. Or the stuff used to remove it was. Maybe both, but it sounds like some actors were really tormented by it.
  4. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I'm not nearly wise enough or know enough about the business to know what I even think. This business has gotten so expensive, I wish there were a wave of medium-cost (independently made) films and series. But it's getting too expensive to produce anything. And how many series that I do watch...
  5. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    That’s too bad, but it is certainly understandable. I cut the cord long ago, and all of my favorite shows are later than originally planned. And most (maybe all) of them are in their last season. Everything is either starting late or on hold, as you say.
  6. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I was wondering if there was any JMS update at SDCC. I think it is over now, isn’t it?
  7. hypatia


    Same here. I was under the vague impression that there might be more animated work coming from the B5 universe after the animated feature did well. Here’s hoping we can get more of JMS’s writing on multiple fronts.
  8. hypatia


    That sounds interesting. The Watchmen is one of the animated features that is interesting yet hasn’t been done to death.
  9. hypatia

    Alternative Universe

    That’s one of the things that was so exciting about the idea of a reboot. The original story was significantly different from what ended up being created, time passing would change even more. I so want to see what a reboot could do. With the entertainment world being sucked up by buyouts and...
  10. hypatia

    Any other Blake’s 7 fans here?

    If you want to play the game, it’s free for a short time if you get a free trial of Brit Box, through Amazon Prime, at least. I hate doing that just to watch one show, but if you are ready to watch it all in a month it might work.
  11. hypatia

    The Road Home review thread (contains spoilers)

    There really are some interesting things going on in Young Adult fiction. I haven’t checked out children’s sci-fi, but it’s good to know it exists.
  12. hypatia

    The Road Home review thread (contains spoilers)

    Can you get to a library that might have it to watch or check out? And hello again, old friend!
  13. hypatia

    The Road Home review thread (contains spoilers)

    I thought The Changeling was very well written. I know he didn't write the original, but adapted the story for the screen. But it was a one-off that really packed a punch, emotionally. The Road Home was more of a story about the highlights along the way, and what the story could have looked...
  14. hypatia

    I Wonder If JMS Would Consider Continuing The Crusade Storyline In Animated Movie Form.

    It seems entertainment has gotten so expensive that no one wants to take a chance on anything really new. We’ll have to take what comes, I hope the sales are good neigh on the animated feature to merit more consideration.
  15. hypatia

    The Road Home review thread (contains spoilers)

    I finally had time to stream it last night. If the intention of the piece was to make me hungry for more B5, it worked! There isn’t much ”new story”, but it did a great job reminding me why I adored this show to begin with. It did a great job entertaining me and hopefully introducing the B5...
  16. hypatia

    B5 Animated Movie

    I preordered it to stream, but it’s been so busy this week I didn’t check until today, and I see it is available. I know what I’ll be watching tomorrow. :)
  17. hypatia

    B5 Animated Movie

    Thanks to Jan and LateArrival for sharing that. I know I’ve heard some talk about the absence of a character that doesn’t have much of a chance at appearing in projects going into Babylon 5’s universe in the future. It seemed like a missed “opportunity” when he wasn’t included in the cast here...
  18. hypatia

    B5 Animated Movie

    I was just looking at my Facebook account and I saw this.
  19. hypatia

    B5 Animated Movie

    If it’s written well. Marvel is just an easy example to bring up since so many Marvel fans are complaining that the multiverse just got out of control And some of the writing seems to be getting cheap and kind of dumb. But when it’s done right (War Without End, Primer, Arrival) time travel can...