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  1. hypatia

    Audio levels

    Although I've never heard an episode that way, I have noticed that earbuds/earphones really do let you hear a lot more detail.
  2. hypatia

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    A reboot would be great, the Babylon 5 story in general is very much a story of today's times. The biggest problem I see is that we have no originality in our entertainment anymore. Most of what I watch is BBCA or House of Cards (the only Netflix show I actually watch now that Sense8 is...
  3. hypatia

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    I'm not sure where we are at the moment. Markas may have more current info.
  4. hypatia

    How Would You Show Both Versions Of The Gathering?

    Kraig's approach does make sense. The kind of details the edited version will have are not essential to his understanding of anything, and it will avoid introducing subjects the he'd be able to google. :)
  5. hypatia

    Streaming B5 - Legally - USA

    Just don't play it while driving. ;)
  6. hypatia

    Epsilon Eridani news

    Well, yea. When the Great Maker points you to a star, you pay attention. ;)
  7. hypatia

    How Would You Show Both Versions Of The Gathering?

    That is annoying. Honestly, why not explain the situation to him, and ask him what he thinks he'd prefer?
  8. hypatia

    What do you want?

    I love fiction. Literally, anything can happen. :) I suspect for health and safety reasons, it would be removed in time. Although, we all know the Centauri record for reversing long outlived rules and proclamations.
  9. hypatia


    Hi there, Looney. Those are some interesting thoughts on Marcus Cole. :bolian: Rangers kind of struck me as being undercover ops, yes. And they are the intelligence network for our "good guys", so I'd say your observations are spot-on. One thing I'd add, however is: always remember that...
  10. hypatia

    Streaming B5 - Legally - USA

    I don't watch a lot of stuff on my computer, I also prefer it on the television screen. I also am at a busy time, rematching the entire series would work better for me in the summer time.
  11. hypatia

    What do you want?

    That would be a pretty good B5 episode, wouldn't it?
  12. hypatia

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    Well, I can see how the site's owner (Antony) might think it was time to move on if he couldn't see how many people were trying to peek in. :) Welcome, Looney. Nice name! :thumbsup:
  13. hypatia

    What do you want?

    I'm not sure, but if it was going to be a 'warning to the next ten generations', then I imagine it got kind of ripe after awhile.
  14. hypatia

    Who are you?

    That is not an option, RW. :vulcan:
  15. hypatia

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    So, did Markas pass? :cardie:
  16. hypatia

    Who are you?

    I have 100% in the survey. There are advantages to being the only conscious person in the room. :thumbsup:
  17. hypatia

    What do you want?

    Yea, the pike was one of the best moments in the series. About time Vir got a little something nice for his patience and hard work. :devil:
  18. hypatia

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    It's good to see some familiar names. :cool: I hope life has been good to you.
  19. hypatia

    What do you want?

    :guffaw: :wtf: I still don't know how Lyta dies. :vulcan: