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Search results

  1. hypatia

    B5 Animated Movie

    I’m so glad to hear that the time travel will not be modeled after the Marvel universe’s method. I admit, I find Marvel to be mostly mindless fun. Babylon 5 makes me think and feel, I’d really hate to see the nonchalant attitude towards time travel. More “Primer” than “if it’s fun and fan...
  2. hypatia

    The new B5TV.COM is here!

    Well, look at this. I like what you’ve done with the place. Looks great!
  3. hypatia

    B5 Animated Movie

    More information on the animated movie (a rough plot and the cast list): https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/babylon-5-the-road-home-animated-movie-cast-cliffhanger
  4. hypatia

    A hidden hand in the Earth-Minbari War?

    That's a thought I'd never come close to in the series. But it all adds up, and it makes sense.
  5. hypatia

    B5 Animated Movie

    What great news to hit just as the high pressure of finals week begins! Definitely happy dance time. I’m a bit confused, though. They don’t have a streaming service lined up yet, but it’s still definitely coming out? Or do they have the streaming service but aren’t announcing it yet?
  6. hypatia

    New logo

    I remember the mention of this mysterious other project that wasn't the re-imagining and I wondered what happened with it. The wheels of the entertainment business can grind slowly. And weirdly. But I'm getting hopeful that I might be able to see a new B5 project and with the original cast...
  7. hypatia

    EpDis: The Geometry Of Shadows

    Exactly. Everyone is in waiting mode.
  8. hypatia

    John Iacovelli passed away (64)

    That’s too young. I’d heard that the average lifespan in the USA is going down but I seem to be hearing about so many people in their late 50’s or 60’s passing away. That’s sad. I know, that’s life, but still sad.
  9. hypatia

    EpDis: The Geometry Of Shadows

    Series are so expensive now, they have to be pretty tight.
  10. hypatia

    EpDis: The Geometry Of Shadows

    I wonder how many episodes a reboot might have. Series are a lot shorter, these days.
  11. hypatia

    Who's around

    What, did someone leave? :wtf:
  12. hypatia

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    Oh, definitely, the HBO treatment would be amazing. But it is probably not in the cards.
  13. hypatia

    NEW Babylon 5 Series

    This isn’t really new information about a possible B5 project, but I was watching a You Tube video about the possible B5 reboot and mostly heard what had already been posted here. But I think I’d missed a detail or two that I don’t recall hearing before. And about 7 minutes in an interesting...
  14. hypatia

    SECRET B5 project - completed

    I suppose it’s a bit early in the year, as well. But I’ll keep waiting and hoping.
  15. hypatia

    SECRET B5 project - completed

    I admit, I thought there was one B5 project that was already finished and basically ready to air. I hope we can hear some good news on some front.
  16. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    Peter Woodward never really did get a chance to shine.
  17. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I am not sure I"m remembering this correctly, but I think we all knew that any decision on B5 moving forward was kind of on hold until 2023. So I've been hoping we might her something whenever networks do their season planning (whenever that is). I'm confused about some kind of feature that...
  18. hypatia

    Mira Furlan Autobiography

    It’s good to know there is enough interest to keep book sales coming through pretty rapidly.
  19. hypatia

    Mira Furlan Autobiography

    I didn’t know she had an autobiography. Thanks for posting that, from what little I actually know about her it sounded like she had a hard but amazing life.
  20. hypatia

    Reaction videos

    That's really interesting. Nothing wrong with being behind the camera.