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  1. hypatia

    The Orville New Horizons (Season 3) 2022.03.10

    That should be very entertaining. Thanks for the news. It'll definitely be a must-see.
  2. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I never dropped my Hulu subscription, I just got rid of the “Live TV” part. That package adds something like an extra $60 per month. If Orville isn’t entirely comedy, I will definitely check it out. I wasn’t sure if it was a comedy show or the usual mix of science fiction/comedy/drama...
  3. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    It would be convenient for me if it came out on HBO Max, but I'll see it one way or another. As far as Orville goes, I was wondering if I should watch it. I gather it's been keeping your interest and I need a good, lighter series to watch. I'll have to check it out.
  4. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I didn't know that they had an App, it was mentioned a bit earlier in the thread. That is the way I'll go, probably. I need to remember that there's now an App for everything.
  5. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I didn't know that was free. I wouldn't mind installing it on my ipad and I can use Google Chromecast to watch it on the t.v. I didn't know television stations had free access via an app. Thanks!
  6. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I might try that when finals are over. I'll have some decent time to binge. Thanks! :bolian:
  7. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    The problem isn't Sierra Vista, it's Bisbee. The mountains effectively cut off receiving antennae transmissions in most of the town. Someone I knew who lived on "High Road" long ago could get a bad picture of some local Tucson station. But the mountains (and some say the metals in the...
  8. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    I can't get Tucson channels without having a t.v. service provider. I think Hulu LIve TV may have carried it. I'll check Amazon Prime and HBO Max, as well. I still have both of those and some of them have networks you can add onto your package. Thanks, though, it's good to know that KGUN from...
  9. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    That actually sounds very interesting. Thanks a lot for sharing that. So it sounds like the new B5 will be different from the classic series in some important ways (a conflict accidentally started, but with a whopping 1 million year difference in the age of the two sides). I'm excited...
  10. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    That's a great point. But he was up for the idea of a Telepath War movie. A lot of the background and development would have been done by the series, but a lot would have to be dropped.
  11. hypatia


    I think a lot of people haven't read past the first book, or only know Dune through the Lynch movie. And that is a great Frank Herbert quote. Interesting take on Nixon.
  12. hypatia


    The Bene Gesserit are in the long-term game of shaping humanity, they did lay down the myths the Kwisatz Haderach would need to easily take over the Fremen population. So the story really has deep roots of manipulation and population control on epic scales. And I won't spoil future Dune films...
  13. hypatia


    :lol: I saw a You Tube video of someone replying to some a criticism that it was a "white savior" story. The critic clearly hasn't read the rest of the book series. I hope this director can do more than 2, I'd love to see him direct the entire original series. I was worried at first that...
  14. hypatia

    special Guest Star - ...........

    I dropped cable/satellite service and now I just use Hulu Plus.
  15. hypatia


    And today they announced that Part 2 has been given the go-ahead. I loved the movie. It set the stage for what I hope may be a series of the Frank Herbert Dune books. It defined the characters. But will people who are not already Dune fans like it, when basically all of the backstory was...
  16. hypatia

    special Guest Star - ...........

    The original Dark Shadows series is one of my guilty pleasures. Regarding the dream episode: Wow, that would have been amazing! I can't imagine what the network didn't like about it. I was watching a You Tube interview with the actor who played Lennier (Bill Mumy) and apparently he HATED...
  17. hypatia

    Any fans of The Expanse in here? (Books or TV Show)

    I read the first two books in the series, but I haven't had time to start on another new series on television. I'm glad to know it's worth watching, it seemed like one of the better and more space-science-realistic series I've ever read. I'll start watching it probably when I finish the...
  18. hypatia

    special Guest Star - ...........

    Although I'd love to see some guest appearances from the original series, I really just want to see what an alternate universe's Babylon 5 would be like. I want to be surprised.
  19. hypatia

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    How are you paying for the site, these days? It is very enjoyable visiting a board that doesn't push ads.
  20. hypatia

    NEW Babylon 5 Series
