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  1. hypatia

    WB considering HD update

    Thanks for sharing that. I hope it does pan out. I'd lost hope for more B5, I know it's too soon to have solid hope, but it would be fantastic.
  2. hypatia

    New To Babylon 5

    Yes, I was woefully unappreciative of season 1 the first time I saw it. I saw it again , and it really impressed me. It took me a bit before I got into the style.
  3. hypatia

    HBO Max adds Babylon 5

    Thanks for all of the feedback, everyone. There honestly are a lot of opinions about it. Dune is the main one I'm hoping can succeed and go on to the rest of the first Dune book and then the entire Frank Herbert series. Looney: rants are definitely allowed. I feel like we've earned it...
  4. hypatia

    In Memory Still Bright: Mira Furlan

    No kidding, so many have died far too young.
  5. hypatia

    In Memory Still Bright: Mira Furlan

    That is so sad, she was too young. West Nile Virus is a tricky one, many people get it and never have symptoms so they never even know. But in rare cases it can be difficult to fight.
  6. hypatia

    HBO Max adds Babylon 5

    I just got rid of cable/satellite t.v. and got a Google Chromecast. I knew I'd want to get HBO, and for an extra $5 I can get HBO Max. It will also be doing something I have mixed feelings about. Releasing theater movies to streaming audiences. I haven't been to a movie theater in years, and...
  7. hypatia

    HBO Max adds Babylon 5

    The streaming wars are bringing Babylon 5 into the mix, apparently. Starting January 26, 2021. What a nice way to put 2020 in the rearview mirror. https://scifibulletin.com/2020/12/24/hbo-max-adds-babylon-5/
  8. hypatia

    B5 Coming to HBOMax

    I just ended my television contract and was wondering what I might eventually replace it with. HBO Max just moved up the list.
  9. hypatia

    JMS' on Patreon

    It has been interesting to see really major artists joining Patreon. I have used it for years to support podcasters, but more big names like JMS seem to be using it these days. Thanks a lot for the information.
  10. hypatia

    JMS' on Patreon

    I thought most material released for Patreon supporters tended to stay available for Patreon supporters only.
  11. hypatia

    Two JMS books coming in 2021

    That does sound interesting, and a very different style and genre. Thanks a lot for sharing the information!
  12. hypatia

    Possible 2018 San Diego Comic Con Panel

    It almost seems that the last light of hope for B5's future is going the way of my hope for my nation. I mean, I have been struggling with the essential notion that something like 38% of the people around me think that Donald Trump is basically doing a fine job. Isn't that some kind of...
  13. hypatia

    R.I.P. Harlan Ellison

    That is sad news. He wrote clever stories, with a kind of poetic tone. More like Bradbury than Asimov, and that can be tricky to pull off with science fiction. I thought I read something about an adaptation of his "Repent, Harlequin..." recently, too.
  14. hypatia

    JMS: Sense8

    Yea, if it were me I'd just be sleeping in late. JMS never seems to stop for a minute. I look forward to hear what he's been up to.
  15. hypatia

    Babylon 5 is coming to Amazon Prime, June 2018!!!

    Yea, there is a discussion on another thread about that. Amazon may only have it available in the USA, or our region, possibly. It's about time, B5 should have been showing in syndication a long time ago. It will be great to see it again.
  16. hypatia

    Avengers: Infinity War

    What a nice way of putting it. Lowering the priority is a good description. We seem to be stick in a decades-long rut when it comes to comic-book movie adaptations. They can be great, but do we really need so many of them? :rommie: I also need to see Arrival, maybe I will this summer, even...
  17. hypatia

    Streaming B5 - Legally - USA

    I just heard a rumor that Babylon 5 will be available on Amazon Prime sometime soon. That would certainly be a step in the right direction.
  18. hypatia

    Avengers: Infinity War

    I've learned to hate spoilers, I have ever since Star Trek TNG. And they do make earplugs you can wear at concerts. I actually learned about them here, at this board, many years ago. They are meant to keep your ability to hear, just edit out the most damaging decibels, I think...
  19. hypatia

    Avengers: Infinity War

    I probably won't see it until it gets to HBO. But if it's still playing in the town north of me in another couple of weeks, perhaps I'll actually see a movie in the theater again. With earplugs. :)
  20. hypatia

    Possible 2018 San Diego Comic Con Panel

    Darn, sorry I missed it. Happy birthday, Jan!