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  1. hypatia

    B5 On Cracked

    That is a very good point. At least here, I think in England B5 had more of a normal following than it did here in the USA.
  2. hypatia

    Archive of American Television

    :lol: Yea. That is the truth. :bolian:
  3. hypatia

    Claudia Christian in an episode of the Fox series 9-1-1

    These days, doesn't everyone just plug into their phone and let the driver have the auto's radio?
  4. hypatia

    Claudia Christian in an episode of the Fox series 9-1-1

    Next time, buy a car which has a window between the back and front seat. Like in a limo. You can make him sit in the back. :p
  5. hypatia

    Archive of American Television

    :eek: Wow. Yes, very different. But I think you'd have heard that it was still alive after the first couple of seasons. You were meant to see Babylon 5. :angel:
  6. hypatia

    Archive of American Television

    I think JMS gave the Star Trek guys a detailed overview of his vision for Babylon 5. And then, suddenly, Star Trek does its first series not set on a starship but on a space station. With Star Trek's first arc-planned storyline. And a leader who become a religious figure. And... but sadly I...
  7. hypatia

    Archive of American Television

    Yea. It's depressingly familiar to me. Maybe I should shun JMS. My fandom seems to be the kiss of death, sometimes. Although, I seem to be doing better in recent years. Back in B5's day, I'd start watching series a few episodes before they were cancelled.
  8. hypatia

    Claudia Christian in an episode of the Fox series 9-1-1

    There is nothing wrong with having a strong cast. I just don't watch as much television as I used to since I discovered podcasts. Often I'm watching Netflix or Amazon but podcasts are really nice. You can still do housework and exercise and such, while hearing a story or newscast. I feel out...
  9. hypatia

    Archive of American Television

    Yea, I sometimes find myself amazed at how twisted the world of entertainment can be. It is more than just making a lot of money (though that is the first consideration, I'd think). It is more like having to destroy what you can't have. So you want to kill it so no one else can have it...
  10. hypatia

    Babylon 5 Encyclopedia

    There's a man who loves his work. :thumbsup:
  11. hypatia

    Babylon 5 Encyclopedia

    That's starting to sound like homework.
  12. hypatia

    Claudia Christian in an episode of the Fox series 9-1-1

    It would be great to see her back on television again. Is the series any good? I notice you mention name recognition.
  13. hypatia

    JMS: Saved by Superman

    That is really great news. I'd say it's about time, he's had such a widely spanning career and didn't exactly have an ideal childhood. HIs biography could really inspire a lot of people, especially kids who are not in a good place.
  14. hypatia

    What was the original 5-year plan?

    He certainly did that. And still got to follow something of his original story, too. Maybe not as impressive as the Valen backstory, but hey it did resolve a horrible cyclic war that wasted entire planetary systems. That's pretty good, too. :) BIG ;)
  15. hypatia

    What was the original 5-year plan?

    :lol: Yea, as usual JMS seems to have been the first in the USA, at least. After B5, stories with arcs did suddenly become all the rage. Now, shows are being allowed to write a wrap up at least, or so it seems to me. It isn't like the old days where it was common for shows to just suddenly...
  16. hypatia

    Logic Contradiction From Delenn - How To Resolve?

    That is a good question. I agree with Kraig. Saying "I serve life, one or a million doesn't matter" is like a mission statement. Saying "we had to choose between losing millions or billions" is more like a status report. It's not your ideal, just your unfortunate reality.
  17. hypatia

    What was the original 5-year plan?

    It is pretty amazing that JMS could adjust to all sorts of changes (actors leaving, aliens or plots not working as you had hoped, your network destructing then a sudden extra season. No one can say he wasn't flexible. And it is great to know people are still discovering this wonderful...
  18. hypatia

    Cute NASA video with a familiar face

    :rommie: Well, it's been a long time since we've seen our saccharine Shadow rep. That was a lot of fun, thanks for sharing it. :)
  19. hypatia

    Nineteen Years Ago Today - Sleeping in Light

    I never saw another series the meant as much to me. Nothing like it has ever been made since, either. It really was an amazing, glorious event in science fiction television history.