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  1. hypatia

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Thanks a lot, Kraig! :beer::dancing:
  2. hypatia

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I have no idea. Yes, I had read/heard the fan theory that the undead Dragon was the real objective of the Night King. I'm almost uncaring who wins the throne. I just want to know where Arya will end up. :) In this universe, Daenerys might make sense as a world leader. But she kind of...
  3. hypatia

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I actually have to go and watch the last episode of this season. It's still on my DVR (starting up the new academic year had some complications, it's been busy at work). I'll come back and read the thread after that. :)
  4. hypatia

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I actually have to catch up on tonight's episode and maybe even last week's. I'm getting behind on a lot of things, here. :o
  5. hypatia

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Venting is definitely allowed. :)
  6. hypatia

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I am a fan of the BBC series "Sherlock". It, and a few other BBC shows, have taught me that sometimes a little bit of quality is well worth a wait. Getting successful writers, actors, directors and crew together at the same time must be nightmarish with some of these projects. Besides...
  7. hypatia

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Yes, I got caught up before the start of this season.
  8. hypatia

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I am late to the Game of Thrones, actually. The quality of the writing surprised me. HBO usually gets great actors, but sometimes their writing is not appealing to me. But it really is well written.
  9. hypatia

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    It's last season in a new house with a new big-screen t.v. Nice! :cool:
  10. hypatia

    Audio levels

    Yea, b5 is worth revisiting I haven't seen it in years. I don't have it in DVD form. And, at the risk of making some enemies, I honestly think that the writing has gotten a lot better on television in the last 10 years or so. FAR better in the last 20. And I think JMS had a part in that. He...
  11. hypatia

    Is it time to give season 5 another chance?

    You have my sympathy. ;-)
  12. hypatia

    Audio levels

    You tempt me to push aside my ever-growing list of unwatched DVR programs to re-watch B5 again. :)
  13. hypatia

    Is it time to give season 5 another chance?

    PLEASE don't give WB any ideas on those lines. I... shudder to think.... :wtf:
  14. hypatia

    WB Babylon 5 Facebook page

    That's Warner Brothers for you. They consider B5 dead, but still want to own the rights. It is such a waste. I know it's their legal right. I still say it's a waste.
  15. hypatia

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    It really is good to see new fans coming to a show that hasn't been given decent exposure in decades. :cool::bolian:
  16. hypatia

    RIP Stephen Furst :(

    This news shocked me, he was not that old and he had such a positive attitude towards diabetes and how serious a condition it was. He was so well known and loved for his work, and he seemed like he was one of the better grounded actors.
  17. hypatia

    How would you reboot B5?

    :lol: Yes, time travel and Star Trek seem to get together more often than is reasonable to willingly suspend disbelief. :thumbs: But at a one-time, extremely dangerous and energy intensive event plus some powerful help made the entire loop suddenly put the Earth-Minbar relationship become...
  18. hypatia

    How would you reboot B5?

    A reboot without B4 going back in time and Sinclair's whole fate would seem weird to me, in the extreme. That was the best moment in science fiction television, for me. It was so perfect, I had no idea for years that it wasn't the original story plan. Sinclair could have done some of the...