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    Re: Gimme my cig! There was a lot of fuss or generated "controversy" about that character's desire to smoke a cigarette since advocates felt it was somehow glorifying that behavior (shades of "Thank You for Smoking"), but the way I see it, Cameron was depicting her smoking as an affliction much...
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    Sunshine seemed to be following the same mold used in Event Horizon and the ultra-shitty Supernova. Gothic horror set in space - good guys vs. gruesome nemesis, with the fate of the Earth/Galaxy/whatnot, hanging in the balance. That being said, I liked Moon a lot. Definitely much more along...
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    lost starts in Feb.

    I like J.J but.... In 2003, ABC group chairman Lloyd Braun had pitched an idea to for a concept he described as Cast Away: The Series. Jeffrey Lieber was hired to develop a working concept out of the pitch. Lieber eventually ended up writing a pilot, which he was asked to rewrite until he was...
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    The fact is, there are several places in the movie where he is doing an explicitly American accent - sort of a Hell's Kitchen accent attributable to soldiers in old WW2 movies. But that changes very rapidly until it gets to the point where the only time he sounds American is when he's doing a...
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    My problem with Worthington, especially in this film, is that he is terrible at concealing his Australian accent. He's playing an American, but for about 75% of his lines, the Ozzie is leaking out all over the place. I would disagree about Star Wars in terms of narrative. Presentation tops...
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    In just 20 days, Avatar has already become the second-highest grossing film in history. It still has a long way to go to catch Titanic, though.
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    If you could re-score B5...

    I agree about Franke on Season 1; his music was a bit heavy handed and a touch too electronic in places, but there were flashes of brilliance even back then. Music is one of my favorite elements from B5 - one I feel the later Star Trek shows didn't properly respect. And the Sky is Full of Stars...
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    Well, I'd comment on this friggin movie if I could get in. Two days in a row I tried to go to the IMAX matinee and it was sold out. It's been out 11 days now.
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    Stargate Universe

    This is the part where I say that I did not watch the previous two SG shows, so any such theories are beyond me.
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    Stargate Universe

    Of course Rush deserved it, but it was still surprising that Young went through with it. Are we sure that Carlyle has actually signed on for more episodes? They may have put the ship there to keep options open as to whether or not to bring him back (such as Kosh's recording from the ViCR). I...
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    Stargate Universe

    Aside from the time-traveling episode they did a week back, the show has been a nice semi-hard science drama. I must say I am massively surprised at what happened on this last episode.
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    Babylon 5 Fan Films

    I believe you can buy it on DVD from the guys that made it. The effects are incredbly good and were done on several home pc's connected together (much like the original B5), but in order to sell it on DVD they had to re-do the fx with unofficial ships. So instead of a perfect EA Destroyer, you...
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    Peter Woodward on "Fringe"

    He ditched the robes for a suit.
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    Peter Woodward on "Fringe"

    He'll be playing the leader of the Observers, aka "Bald Men in Black".
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    V on ABC November 3, 2009

    Anna does state in her interview that she wants to provide for the medical needs of everyone, to which the reporter responds, "You're talking universal healthcare."
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    V on ABC November 3, 2009

    The show was, much like everything else these days, technically and visually stunning. It was pretty weak storywise, though, especially in revealing the alien's true intentions and appearance via the "Basil Exposition" character at the meeting a mere 30 minutes into the show. Two of the biggest...
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    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    Roddenberry saw a peaceful Utopian society of the future as one without Poverty, Hunger, Disease and probably Religion. Sadly, it does seem to be one the biggest barriers to world peace at the moment, don't it? Of course, JMS, although also an athiest, has openly stated that Roddenberry's...
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    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    I think Trek's absence of religion was more of a result of Roddenberry's apparent atheism (or at least aversion to religion). Several stories depicted "God's" being debunked as merely alien vistors with advanced technology. The only glaring inconsistency was the Jesus reference at the end of...