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  1. B

    Rangers Redux (fiction)

    Re: Rangers Redux Ditto for "Titans: Warriors of Virtue". It was the game aspect of co-writing that I liked and I thought we had a pretty awesome story going. Of course, where it was going I cannot say.
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    HEROES / VILIANS (Spoilers Welcome)

    He did know Hiro would open the safe. Here's that scene, btw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSLrQ_6zi3Y
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    HEROES / VILIANS (Spoilers Welcome)

    I saw a deleted scene from the day Hiro's father was killed. It was in the scene where Ando brought him the paper and the photo of him with the "death mark" was inside. In this scene, he opens the paper and looks at the stock pages. As he does, most of the page goes white and certain stock...
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    Bruce Boxleitner to be in 'Heroes'

    Gee, think we'll ever see Bruce again? And did anyone notice Andrea Thompson is appearing in those goofy Heroes webisodes starring Santiago?
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    Star Trek *spoilers*

    Hmmm, familiar.
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    Star Trek *spoilers*

    Joining the love parade. Wow, Channe! Blast from the past!
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    Star Trek *spoilers*

    You really can't take too much away from any trailer. It's aimed at the masses and is highlighting the action. The team involved keeps saying that they are adhering to canon (official Trek) wherever it is present and working around holes where it is not. Agewise, most of the actors are in the...
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    Star Trek *spoilers*

    It comes out May 2009, prime popcorn time.
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    Part of Narn costume in TV Advert

    Yeah, I saw it. It was a geeky guy in a red costume. The tagline was "where's the convention". He had spots on his neck to match the Narn pouch.
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    Changeling News

    Furthering the concept of jms's need for accuracy is the tag at the start of the film: CHANGELING A True Story Not "Based on" which can mean just about anything.
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    Changeling News

    Yeah, Jade, sorry to report there is no Jolie multiple-aardvarking to report in this film. It's a lengthy film, although not unusual for these days where longer seems to be the trend in everything. I think Joe donned his reporter hat in this one, and was really attempting to be thorough and...
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    Changeling News

    Just got back from seeing "Changeling" (no "The"). All in all a good solid drama, and a story that simply leaves you with your mouth hanging open several times throughout the film. However, I think jms may have tried too hard to tell the entire story of the case and, as a result, the film runs a...
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    Crusade: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    In all fairness, JMS gave full and fair warning about the hiring of Chen, a known experimental artist, and that doing so was intended to give Crusade a very exotic and alien feel and separate it artistically from B5. Of course, even knowing this may not have been sufficient preparation to...
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    HEROES / VILIANS (Spoilers Welcome)

    Plot hole? At the end of last season, Sylar had Maya, Molly and Mohinder in his possession. At the start of this season, Sylar finds Claire, which seemd to be bad news for Molly. Instead, we find out that Molly is safe and Maya and Mohinder are aardvarking t his apartment. So Sylar didn't wan't...
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    Crusade: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Well, those are good points. The pilot, Chase or Trace or whatever, was another character mandated by TNT, who wanted an adventurous "Flyboy", much as WB had mandated the Keffer character years earlier. And yes, the Eillerson situation was a total contradiction, and just because "War Zone" was a...
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    The Most Annoying Guest Character In B5?

    Yeah, she sucked equally during her stint on Knots Landing. I was glad when Ironheart fragged her.
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    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    Cell, you're assuming that an offer was even on thetable from WB to allow someone to take over the reigns and run with B5. I'm willing to bet it was not because no one can bring the thing in as cheaply as J. Michael Straczynski. During the start and finish, when arc wasn't as critical to the...
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    a ranger episode

    That's "The Deconstruction of Falling Stars" an episode that was written and filmed at the last minute and inserted as the last episode of Season 4 after TNT picked up the show for Season 5 (that's why Claudia is not in it). Up until that point, B5 was effectively cancelled and "Sleeping in...
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    Indiana Jones Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    And she did jump out of of the woodwork for her little appearance as one of the sailboat passengers in "The Perfect Storm".
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    Indiana Jones Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    I read that Karen Allen had dropped out of the business to raise her children and was running a sort of knit fashion store in Massachusets. If you'd like an expensive sweater, here's the place to do it: http://www.karenallen-fiberarts.com/home.php