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  1. maneth

    Possible Goof on S1 Believers

    I like this episode too, but I can't recall this goof...
  2. maneth

    EpDis: Chrysalis

    I just wonder if Carolyn Sykes and Catherine Sakai weren't meant to be the same person originally... Both being explorers and both having the initials CS makes me wonder... It would have been rather interesting if the show had ended with Sinclair going back to the past... Although I don't think...
  3. maneth

    EpDis: Eyes

    Well yeah. It would suit him well enough, crazy that he was.
  4. maneth

    EpDis: Eyes

    Nope. :p His full name is Ari Ben Zayne, and I'm guessing he has Jewish ancestry because of the Ben (son of). I like the ep, there are some quite brilliant performances. I love it when a character goes so spectacularly crazy.
  5. maneth

    EpDis: TKO

    It's not one of my faves, but I still like it. Especially the Ivanova part, but I don't hate the fighting either.
  6. maneth

    Jeremiah now on Sci Fi Channel

    Well, it can't be all bad if Alessandro Juliani's in it...
  7. maneth

    Anybody Excited by the Robocop reboot.

    I see where you're coming from, but to me remaking a relatively recent movie or TV-show (i.e. less than about 20 years old) means that there was something inherently wrong with the original. A remake can work if it's sufficiently different to attract a completely new audience (as happened with...
  8. maneth

    B5 handshakes

    Sounds logical. The human handshake (initially only used between men of aristocratic rank) was meant to show that neither party was carrying a weapon such as a dagger.
  9. maneth

    EpDis: By Any Means Necessary

    I like this episode. Sinclair's solution indeed made him a lot of enemies back on Earth, and it made B5 seem more like a real place. It's fun to see some of the logistics behind what makes the station work.
  10. maneth

    The Dark Knight (Spoilers)

    Saw this yesterday. A totally awesome movie, and the Joker really did steal the show. I'm hoping for another Bale/Nolan effort, but I'm at a loss to figure out who they'll use as the villain. I really hope it's not Catwoman.
  11. maneth

    A Veritable Cloud of Ships

    Sorry, my bad, I wasn't specific enough in my former post. I know they're ships from the show, but they don't look like ships to me. Not the way the ships of the younger races, even the Minbari, do.
  12. maneth

    Caprica Trailer

    Yeah, this trailer made me feel a lot more optimistic about Caprica. I do hope the show finds an audience.
  13. maneth

    A Veritable Cloud of Ships

    Cool pix Galahad. Both of those look cool, but neither looks like any description of a ship to me.
  14. maneth

    Start Wearing Purple

    Indeed. Just as long as we don't start behaving like the Drazi! ;)
  15. maneth

    Ethnicity: Do You Think JMS Keeps Count?

    That, and it's also cheaper. It's a shame that the insectoid N'Grath disappeared after the 1st season. B5 did feature both Shadows and Vorlons prominently. I think the reason for the encounter suit was mainly that a person could stand in it. Star Trek at least postulated a reasonable reason for...
  16. maneth

    So what ever happened to the following characters:

    Yes, I think Franklin Sr came up through the GROPOS ranks as well. But there again B5's flaw of mixing up army, navy and air force ranks at a whim really gets confusing. It would have made more sense if Ivanova had been promoted to Admiral rather than General by Sleeping in Light.
  17. maneth

    The Most Annoying Guest Character In B5?

    I like Ari Ben Zayn too, even though he creeps me out big time. But he's supposed to, so again it works. A fair point about Sebastian and the Vorlons, vacantlook. I hadn't thought of it that way before. Quite coincidentally, I caught the final 15 minutes of the episode yesterday on TV, and I...
  18. maneth

    A Veritable Cloud of Ships

    Count me in as another fan of the awesome Whitestars, even if I think they're silly to put the bridge in such a vulnerable place. I also like the Minbari cruisers, the shape is so organic somehow.
  19. maneth

    The Most Annoying Guest Character In B5?

    I really, really, really hated Sebastian, a.k.a. the Inquisitor. Not because the character was badly acted or anything (love WA as Lorien and Drakh) but because I hated the denouement, why, oh why did Sebastian have to be Jack the Ripper? That just completely ruined the episode for me. Detest...
  20. maneth

    The Best Guest Characters in B5!

    Going by character rather than actor, definitely Brother Edward.